Do you guys find it immoral to sell gear you win in raids to other people in a pug group?

Not something I’d do, but it’s on par with typical LFR shenanigans.

Nope. Get that bag.

Yes. It’s people abusing the system to benefit only themselves.

But given this community is apparently just okay with everyone rolling need on anything that allows it regardless of context, I’m sure the same crowd is fine with this kind of abuse.

Things kinda suck now.

Most raid leads will kick anyone trying to sell their drops, so obviously not everyone is okay with that. I’m not a fan of it either, but I’d rather have the freedom to do whatever we want with the loot we win than have no freedom at all. Sometimes you’ve gotta take the good with the bad. Not every system is going to be perfect.

Nope, my loot I can do as I wish with it. I’ve sold plenty of pieces to people in raid, we both win I get gold and they get gear. I’ve also offered and bought pieces that I wanted. It’s a pug raid do as you please. Guilds do thier own thing, which is why I pug, don’t wanna deal with loot rules or all that stuff. Win a roll I can vendor it, sel it, mog it or equip it. I’m not bound by blizzzards need or greed. I roll need on anything I have a chance to. My time, my roll, my item to do as I please

I find dropping ordnance on civilians immoral. I find cutting funding to social programs just to hurt people immoral. I find cat haters immoral.

This is a video game with pixels you rent. There is nothing moral or immoral about them.

Though I know what you’re getting at, there is still morality in how you treat the real-life people behind those pixels.

nope, its theirs win, they can do what ever they want with it.

maybe they do need it, but could be persuaded otherwise for the right price.

But if its actually just vendor trash then i’d rather someone else got it.

As of right now. No.

But I think blizzard should allow for an auction loot system in-game. Gdkp is a great way to make gold.

this is an issue that needs to be tackled by blizz

raiding is functionally dead and inaccessible to solo players, which is probably at least 40% of the playerbase - only way to see a raid nowadays is to do LFR or wait 4-8 years to be able to solo the place

this is literally the last nail in the coffin for this game mode if it stays as it is, something must change systemically

Immoral? It’s a video game… get a grip.

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yes, that’s a lame thing to do. I think it’s acceptable to do if the item is a BOE that will just be sold again on the AH.