Do you guys find it immoral to sell gear you win in raids to other people in a pug group?

Here’s something you aren’t getting:

In a normal raid environment (one where the group is consistently the same), my chances of actually getting something go up as people start to gear up.

In LFR where apparently everyone and their Mom just hits the need button because it’s shiny? My chances stay the same no matter what.

There’s no “Better luck next week” when it comes to LFR. As far as “Join a normal group then”: no, I shouldn’t have to do that at all. There’s a reason some of us retired from raiding some years ago.

Luckily there’s at least a way to get tier outside of the raid.

At least this patch.

The entire point of gear is it is a tool. Better stats= better survivability/dps/healing. Bliz really should have never gotten rid of PL in LFR.

People like you are the reason people can’t have nice things. You ruin it for everyone else.

This was proven way back in Cata. IDK what the devs were thinking when they reverted it. Y’all whined and complained about PL without better suggestions to make the PL system work.

I don’t want to hear your “But PL blah, blah, blah” excuses.

Except nothing is being ruined, everything is working as intended. Again, you people are placing your rage on the playerbase using the systems as designed instead of going after the people that designed them in the first place lol.

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Atleast it gives you a chance at getting it

Most of my experiences involve whispering someone who clearly does not need the piece and then having them ignore me completely.

Can’t say that I do at this point honestly.

Particularly in places like LFR where you only get 1 shot a week with absolutely no “win” state outside of being very lucky. That’s just the name of the game Blizzard created.

I would not raid under any conditions as long as group loot is forced. Blizzard is working hard to drive casuals out of raiding.

It’s scummy and I don’t hold the people who do this in high regard.

I don’t think needing on gear to sell it to people was ever intended.

I agree that it’s a scumbag thing to do. But it’s one Blizzard has intentionally made possible for the best-geared players to do, to serve as middlemen to charge badly-geared players for gear they used to get for playing the game. But more tokens will be sold, gold will be sold, and paypal will profit.

I actually think it was a deliberate development choice to put in group loot with hardly any restrictions on needing, then change trading so people could trade gold.

Yes and anyone who does it is scum. If you roll need and don’t need it, there is something wrong with you.

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Not immoral at all. You participated in the raid, the option was available to need on the item, go ahead roll on it if you could use it.

And if someone offers you gold for it and you need the gold more than the item, without a doubt sell it off.

Nothing immoral about it. I find it immoral for people in LFR that will tag a boss, and then let mechanics kill them off but still roll on items when they simply “did damage” to justify being able to roll.

I’m of two minds about this.

It is pretty scummy to do imo, but it’s also their gear to use however they see fit if they won the roll.

To me it’s something that is legal, yet frowned upon…

Kinda like cheating on your S/O before marriage.

Intended or not, they developed the system to do exactly that. Considering it’s been a thing for a while now, with no changes, either it was intended or they just don’t care lol. In either case, blaming the players it’s pretty dumb considering they are only using the tools available to them.

Know what’s kinda funny?

If players were allowed to just keep running each wing of LFR as much as they wanted until they got a piece of loot, THEN it locks them out of loot for that wing for the week, and then prevented players from trading it.

We wouldn’t be having this discussion I feel. The major issue with the loot rules now is that, since you only got one shot per week and if you don’t get loot it feels like a complete waste of time, so that encourages people to adopt a “eff you got mine” attitude.

So address how the loot is handled in LFR and you’ll easily solve this forever. But people would rather fight I suppose…

Nah in this old game I only care about what I do.

This is something I’ve always been okay with having in WoW. FF XIV, for example, does this with their version of LFR and it works wonderfully. Just let people keep running until they get a drop. If anything, it would keep LFR more active.

You’re delusional if you think everyone will completely agree to something. Let alone be ok with the decision taken; example, you.

Because you think it is? While I agree it’s kind of a douche move to do it, it is their right to do whatever the heck they want with the loot they were presented after a fight they contributed on. Sorry not sorry, end of the story.

Honestly, I personally roll on stuff I don’t need, to try to use it as something to trade with, that is if the item I’m looking for drops; if it doesn’t though, I tell people to roll for it at the end. Would you call me evil because of this? Keep in mind that the sole porpuse I’m running such content is to get a certain piece out of it, and if I can make my life easier, why wouldn’t I???

That’s what I’m saying. LFR gear is already terrible, so why add the unnecessary hurdle?

The only reason I can think of is because, especially now, LFR gear can actually be upgraded to being not absolute dog crap.

With the crest caps in place, that still wouldn’t have been an issue, at least early on. In my opinion, anyway.

Thats probably not wrong. I’m terrible and never have Flightstones so I barely upgrade my gear anyway so I wouldn’t know lol

Don’t worry, just think of those people as filtering themselves out.