This is a legit post. If people have a problem with who gets gear, then it’s the system that should be tweaked so the plate goes to a plate wearer, etc… imo.
Nah, they “needed” the gold. I dont blame them at all. They are just using the system that is provided. Blizzard could always change it to be more fair though.
It’s a dick move, yeah. Just because it isn’t against the ToS doesn’t mean it’s a cool thing to do.
So like, yeah, you can–but that doesn’t mean you should and it doesn’t exempt you from the judgement of your peers.
The people I’ll never see again? Lol ok.
Not really, it’s yours so do what you want with it
What’s annoyed me though is twice recently I’ve had someone in a PUG whisper me asking to buy loot I got (Fyrakk trinket and the quantum courser from DotI), I hope this doesn’t become the norm …
I mean if thats all you came there to do thats really bad lol
I guess these interactions only happen in whispers? Never seen it be talked about in raid or post boss death at all.
Anyway, think it’s pretty gross to do that. If I need an item, even if it’s for transmog… unless someone offers me some stupid amount of gold I’ll probably say no. But actively need rolling for the purpose of selling it… eh, gross.
If you need with the sole purpose of selling, that’s pretty rude in my book. If you need because you will actually use the gear and someone makes an offer and you rather take that gold over the gear, then I don’t mind. It’s about the intent when you need and end up selling for gold.
Rolled need on my hunter for the Signet Brand trinket. Immediately got 3 whispers asking for it. I could have sold it but I funneled my guildy instead.
It used to be, back in the good old days before the current loot system.
As for the question: I dunno, maybe I should just disconnect my morals and go in a raid and Need on absolutely everything I can with the idea of selling it for gold. Hmmm…naa, maybe not. Personal honor is, like, a personal thing and you can’t really buy it.
Can’t force them to buy it.
On topic, I don’t think it’s immoral, folks can do whatever they want with their winnings and it’s nobody else’s business.
For NEED yes it’s wrong.
But a greed roll I have no issues with.
Of course it is. Their tools for distributing loot are ‘try hards’ that work okay most of the time. It is clear to see the intent is for folks to get the option to roll need but many folks have no ethics so anything goes even in a trivial game.
I sure wouldn’t want you for an employee.
That’s not a valid excuse. Sorry, gold spec is NOT a thing and never has been UNLESS it’s agreed upon by everyone beforehand.
Quit making arguments FOR PL if you all hate PL so much.
Doesn’t matter. It’s just flat out rude period.
I think this is the exact reason Blizz should have never allowed cross faction gold trading. But I can’t tell other people what they should do with their loot.
Except it’s a reasonable position to have based on the current system being used. Shouldn’t blame players for using systems within how they are designed, you should be going after the developers for designing the systems to begin with.
No it’s not, just try again next week.
If somebody wins a piece then they can do with it what they want.
I think it’s kinda lame but I don’t think of loot in terms of morality. That’s just me, though.