Do we still have simple DPS?

um, arms warrs

Frost DK is pretty simple. Feral druid is very relaxed and simple. Warrior is pretty simple but it is pretty stressful imo.

That’s just absurd though. Trying to compare utility usage difficulty doesn’t make the spec more or less inherently difficult to DPS with especially in content where that utility never comes up or is used, which is certainly content the OP is aiming towards and if you want to get pendantic about utility, a frost DK has more utility than you’re giving it credit for and it harder to determine and use properly than said hunter. They have taunt and grip, both of which “can help aid the group” but directly put the DK in danger (though they can glyph deathgrip to not actually taunt), they have a bres which takes their resources (throwing off their planned DPS rotation) and isn’t something normally one can predict in advance for and also has a niche hard CC and also a complicated to use/plan for snare/kiting tool. AMZ is invaluable but still takes foresight to know when to use it and “skill” in placing it…at least on par with a hunter having to aim their trap.

We’re talking though, just outputting raw DPS, which spec has it harder and there is no way you can begin to try and act like BM hunter and their singular “mechanic” of maintaining frenzy by NOT mashing barb shot on CD/proc is actually more complex than setting up and executing a Breath of Sindragosa window without capping RP or runes (not to mention pillar of frost or even enpowered rune weapon resource management).

Like I said before, anyone can play a frost DK and do numbers and those numbers will be good enough for queue content…but to actually be a good frost DK, you’ll be working FAR harder than any BM hunter ever will under their current design. In fact, I would even so far as to argue even IF you gave the BM hunter the added complexity of using their oh-so-complicated utility, they STILL are easier to play than a FDK.

If you want actual difficulty as a hunter, it’ll be in your SV tree with wildfire infusion and mongoose bite talented.


dude i will see ur frost with my arms, good sir

Warlock is almost always competitive if not outright the top PVE dps, so if you are looking for a strong DPS class, Warlock is a good choice.

Destruction is generally the simplest spec of Warlock, but it does have some nuance to it, knowing when to havoc, when to let off the gas and build shards, and when to pump out chaos bolts.

I have not played Demo in PvE so I jave no idea how it works.

Affliction is pretty bad right now but when it’s good it’s insane, but it is also usually a very hectic playstyle, and quite a bit more complicated than other specs.

For the sake of sinplicity, i would recommend hunter, specifically beast mastery. Very strong, very easy to pick up.

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It’s not.

If I go into a Raid or M+ as BM Hunter, I’m EXPECTED to do those thing. I’ve seen BM Hunters kicked for refusing to.

Why is it absurd to consider them when they’re part of what I have to keep track of?

I can sometimes spend more time placing traps and slowing enemies than I do shooting things.

Frost DK has far fewer . . . let’s call them distractions . . . and far fewer actual attacks.

A look at my UI will tell you that (I have my UI laid out like the input devices I use - it’s a stroke recovery thing - I can’t use the “stream of icons” rotational helpers because I can’t process the icons as information quickly enough).

And I play SV as well.

I don’t like it, but it does about 33% more damage than my BM Hunter (both in sims and IRL). Part of that is that I can focus more on DPS an less on being everyone’s utility buddy in Raids/M+.

A good Affliction 'Lock is terrifying in PVP.

The only almost truly braindead easy spec is Beast master hunter.

Since you don’t like hunter, though, you could try fury warrior. That is a pretty straightforward rotation.

Is this not a pve thread? If so my response is invalid and pointless.

I’ve got a Warrior (idle since the end of 9.0).

I like arms, but man I just can’t stay alive playing it.

Prot Warrior when I play it. I’m thinking about maining it in 10.

Yeah, it kind of is. I was just giving a nod to Affliction as darned good when played well. I’ve never played it myself.

Affliction is nuts in PvP, but you gotta be reeeeally good to not just get trucked into the dirt.

yeah warr is a short life choice

Which spec is that?

Oh god ,I’m laughing.

but so much chrome

Two seasons ago when I was making a run at Arena combat, if there was an AffLock, we’d try to get him down fast. If we failed, that was pretty much it. A good one is, as I said, just terrifying in PVP.

lock is op, agreed

And frost is never? I think you’re looking at it through spotted lenses or biased trying to act like BM hunter is this big brain 5 head rocket science ultra tryhard DPS spec when it really really really really really isn’t ESPECIALLY at the lower end of content which no doubt the OP will be focusing on.

BM is the babymode DPS spec. It’s a spec where you can be very bad at this game and still do very well with. You’re not going to get that same kind of success just monkey button pressing frost DK buttons or feral druid buttons or even a SV hunter buttons. BM also has the abused and downright broken bonus that it has all the benefits of a range spec while having 0 downsides. Everything it does it can do fully while moving. Short of mechanics making the boss (or you) go away, you can maintain maximum uptime whereas every other class can and does lose uptime/globals having to move and such.

I play every class. I don’t have biases and it isn’t any skin off my nose if the OP or you or anyone else picks. I care about facts and truths though and there just is no argument that any spec is easier to play than a BM hunter and that goes for any tier of PvE content to boot and factoring in utility.

The OP asked which spec is easiest and if he is still content to exclude hunters (both classes of such), than the next easiest is fury warrior who is just about as close to button mashing whatever is lit up and hits the hardest next as it gets. Very easy and simple skill floor but with a considerably higher skill ceiling ESPECIALLY maximizing their as much niche utility.

Note all of my remarks is about PvE also. I don’t care any about PvP so nothing I said is taking PvP into account.

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demon hunter is 5 buttons and bm hunters are 5 buttons and ret paladin isnt that hard.

lol hunter as 5 head, thanks for the fun