Do we still have simple DPS?

all of them are too simple.
i want painful fingers.

I find destro pretty easy with the 4 set.

Frost Mages are easy enough to be good, but difficult to be great at. It has a good flow to it. Arcane is even easier but personally I hate that spec.

Destro lock is the other one, it plays like a Mage kind of. Good flow, simple rotation.

Warrior is easy but it has a lot of buttons in practice.

Outlaw Rogue is not hard. But you have to watch timers. Not a huge deal but it takes a bit more of your attention.

Choose talents on the left side of the talent window, it will make whichever dps spec you are playing easier to play up to their simDPS. Multidot specs like assassination, shadow, affliction, and feral will probably be harder to do good dps with than others just because of the way they deal damage and the amount of things they need to keep track of.

I never really considered Destro boring to play. There’s some visceral joy slamming monster Chaos bolts in to things, especially with havoc, particularly when the stars align and you can get 3 in a row off.

In Torghast, dropping 4 or 5 infernals to offer up a “warm stone massage” onto a boss or a bunch of mobs is reward in its own right.

El mago de fuego es bastante simple. Esencialmente, solo configuras la combustión y luego explotas con los hechizos que se benefician de ella. No hay más de tres o cuatro de qué preocuparse. Además de eso, están las animaciones de hechizos absolutamente hermosas que resultan.

He estado jugando a un cazador de dominio de bestias desde el lanzamiento inicial del juego (no se llamaba así en ese entonces, pero mis talentos estaban muy sesgados en esa dirección).

Mi segunda clase y especialización a distancia favorita es Mago de fuego.

Si necesitas ayuda para controlar las secuencias de hechizos de daño, házmelo saber.

The fire mage is pretty simple. Essentially you just set up combustion and then blast it with the spells that benefit from it. There are no more than three or four to worry about. On top of that are the absolutely beautiful spell animations that result.

I’ve been playing a beast mastery hunter since the game’s initial release (it wasn’t called that back then, but my talents were heavily skewed in that direction).

My second favorite ranged class and spec is Fire Mage.

If you need help controlling damage spell sequences, let me know.

arms warr, win

I’m not sure about fire being an easy spec, particularly in level 10+ keys, just because Urh is meta and combustion will be up for every pull. I agree that outside of combustion windows, it is easy to optimize. But during those windows (which are frequent this season) it’s more challenging. Additionally, with Sun King’s Blessing and Kindling, there is another layer of difficulty in controlling when you have combustion available.

woot 600 posts

It’s simpler than keeping my Frenzy stacks at 3 throughout the whole fight while getting my interrupts and stuns appropriately placed and BM Hunter is supposed to be “easy mode.” :slight_smile:

I stopped playing my Fire Mage because it was not challenging enough.

Close thread. It’s a wrap. Nothing more to say here.

agreed arms warr is the clapper

Frost mages are incredibly simple and straightforward.

There is a difference in easy to play vs easy to play well.

People saying Frost DK are wrong because frost DK requires a lot of setup and prep to maximize your damage. You can be a tardface and mash any button that is lit up and do damage, but it isn’t good damage.

You are tying our hands behind our backs by removing DH and BM hunter from the choices…the 2 most baby mode DPS specs (especially BM). Your next best bet is fury warrior for melee and idk ele shammy for range. Maybe balance druid.

But any class can do DPS and is easy enough if you don’t care about doing good damage and the damage you will do is good enough for queue content.

i am curious gala, frost 2h or frost dw? i am on the fence

the next easiest dps imo after bm hunter /dh is destro lock - also does good damage atm

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FDK is far simpler than my BM Hunter.

I’ve been running Hunters since initial release and I can generally get 85 to 90% of the projected damage that Raidbots estimates out of him in 5-man content.

I’ve been running my FDK for about a month, maybe six weeks and I can get those percentages out of him already.

That might be due to an uber-ocd, self-written rotational cueing system that I made (I do that will all my class/spec combos because writing them teaches me a lot about how the different abilities synergize with one another), but it feels like a pretty simple rotation compared to my BM Hunter.

Part of that is due to the lack of utility - outside of melee range, I can’t interrupt or stun on my DK (that yank thing sort of does, but if the target isn’t being tanked by me and has been tagged, that doesn’t seem to work) so I can focus almost exclusively on DPS on the DK, but part of it is that there are just fewer attacks with a DK.

It isn’t.
I wouldn’t even say FDK is easier, I believe BM to be the hands down easiest spec in the game. But if we were to agree it was easier, to say “far” is absurd.

BM has 0 level of complexity baseline, and can not spec into any form of complexity.
Frost DK has 0 level of complexity baseline, but can spec into BoS.

Destro often flies under the radar of “super easy specs” and I believe thats usually because people are too busy complaining about Fire Mage when it comes to casts.

But Destro can spec into a rotation that has like 4 spells.

If you’re talking about only the core, no-borrowed power, baseline rotation. I agree.

That’s not how I play it, though. That’s not how anyone who expects to do content beyond World Quests and leveling plays it.

BM Hunters are expected to provide their best possible (read that "augmented by borrowed power, on-use trinkets, and whatnot) DPS as well as primary CC, stuns, interrupts, and soothes. We’re also backup aggro control for the tank - I can’t tell you how many times a walker has come up on the party and I’ve sent it away from the squishies to the Tank with Misdirection.

Additionally, we (or at least I) provide emergency tanking in 5-man content if the Tank goes down or is charmed (every one of my target attacks has a 5-macro chain that runs through pet control, aggro control, Misdirection, and such).

Played to it’s best ability, a BM Hunter is far more complex to play than a Frost DK. I’ve been doing both, almost side by side for about a month and a half.

Could download a rotation helper add-on like Hekili to help with any rotation.