Do we still have simple DPS?

As I said, I think FDK is simpler because a) there are fewer expectations with regards to utility and b) there are just fewer attacks.

I’m not trying to do anything other than rebut someone else saying that FDK was more complex to play than BM Hunter.

And I agreed that if you remove borrowed power, on-use gear, and utility functions it is.

But no one beyond open world beginners plays like that.

I’m not so sure why you’re so invested in this.

wait u play all classes? give me arms warr hot take pls

To be fair, we all agree BM hunter is the most braindead class that can be played blindfolded. Buuut, what you’re saying about warrior is applicable to FDK. Yes, the skill floor/ceiling obviously comes into play, as it does with every spec. FDK is still incredibly simple.

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so go arms warr? got it

Frost mage is pretty chill.

Agreed. And surprisingly hard to kill if you save some Runic Power for Death Strike.

Google search Frost DK rotation or even do that for all the classes and specs and you will get an idea of each class/spec

For me personally I think FDK and DH are the easiest specs to play

I think all classes are super simple, just gotta check guides to see what you’re missing, I would say play what you like. I personally find melee rotations easier to perform during a raid because you can move while doing them but I also haven’t raided since Castle Nathria, so things might have changed.

My understanding is that oblit build is far far more difficult to pull off perfectly. Maybe that’s what they’re referring to?

My alt runs Obliteration. Still pretty simple, but I have very good WA cues to prompt me on what to do when (custom made and custom to my input device layouts).

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It really depends on what you mean by acceptable dps. Most dps specs require some amount of forethought in order to perform well in an encounter. Even the most simplistic dps specs have some level of setup or preplanning in order to make use of their cooldowns effectively.

I tend to think that Fury Warrior and Marks hunter fall on the simpler side of things. But what I find simple might not be what you find simple.

Your best bet will likely be to just try out a few specs and see what you most enjoy.

There isn’t a class in game that’s hard to play. I don’t think it’s reasonable to be able to instantly understand a class, either. It feels good to put effort in and get good; Having many choices to make is a good thing! A good class for you would be balance druid, fury warrior, or perhaps beast master hunter!

And to add to that, once you get comfortable is when you’re really gonna start going balls deep on skill

Just switch your druid to Balance.
Balance is usually in a good spot for Mythic +.
And if you don’t like it, can just switch back and forth between Balance and Resto.
A lot of carry over abilities if you’re used to Druid anyways.

Second ret paladin. You can more or less spam 3 buttons at the same time for the majority of your rotation, or if you get really fancy tap them like you’re tapping your fingers in a line on a table so you’re hitting the better priority ability first just in case it’s up

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Frost mage OP.

pretty much ret isnt that hard to play.

Arcane Mage, one spell.
Ret Paladin, just say how great you are and spam /flex

Arcane mages are simple, but their damage is pretty crappy

I think a lot of dps are simple. I would recommend frost mage, it is extremely easy. Elemental shaman is also easy and fun in my opinion.