Do the classes need a shake up?

a 4th spec for all the classes INSTEAD of a new class would be ideal.


In b4 “tHeY cAnT bAlAnCe wHaT tHeY aLrEaDy hAvE!!!”

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they never will wow is intended not to be balanced.

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I’m not saying that, but it will be said

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The three things I’d like to see improved:

  • More physical ranged specifically (we’re down to like one spec for that now, maybe one and a half if counting beast mastery)
  • Classes across the board need more things that make them feel more novel/unique
  • Dungeons and raids should be designed specifically such that just about any imaginable comp of tank+DPS+heals can complete them with plenty of margin, even at high levels (encourage players to take whichever classes that are available, not just what’s “best”)

The way of class design where specs are somewhat recolored analogues of each other gets boring. It’s more fun to use abilities that are unique to your class/spec and don’t have functional equivalents in other classes/specs.

I’d totally main hunter again if deadzones were back. Getting to spam aimed shot at melee range has spoiled the class immensely.

you leave druids alone.
one whole expac of no starfall and druids being nerfed, leave us be.

tHeY cAnT bAlAnCe wHaT tHeY aLrEaDy hAvE

There, I said it. :slight_smile:

That being said, while there is truth to those words I really doubt that rationalizes not to add more stuff into the game let alone not only the classes need to shake up, but the character stats as well.

This game is currently, the only game I know where levels make you weaker.

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I have sworn, upon the alter of Ragnaros, eternal hostility to all those who would play the class of faceroll.

The shake up is delete shamans from the game. /s

But for real, I think we’ll get a new class next expansion, and if it is the Dragon Isles, they might give us a dragon inspired class. Maybe dragonsworn, but I’m afraid gameplay wise it would likely feel like a hodge podge class with one Mage spec, one Druid healing spec, and one Warrior tank spec.

They could do that, or give us a class with established lore and archetypes: the tinker. I hope Blizzard doesn’t feel too tied to the expansion theme to not just give us tinker.

Uh oh…

ok, so I don’t want to have any conversation with you.

It’s a Jefferson quote

Like from “the Jefferson’s” or Jefferson air plane, Jefferson starship?

for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man

tinkers can have melee bomberman and give hunters back ranged survival

Jefferson Starship then, got ya.

Is that in “built this city on rock and roll”… I’m going to look up the lyrics.

(Sorry just having some fun on my Druid)

Hey man, when April 19 rolls around, I might just shut up.
If I get what I want of course

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I live outside the box, most of my whole career has been a direct result of that. However, flipping the game on it’s head in the area it excels in isn’t a good idea at all. They would be insane to change something that carries them when so many other things need attention.

It’s not an inability to think outside the box, it’s the ability to know when to stay in it.

They just need to give abilities faster. It’s detrimental because people hit level 60 and have no idea some abilities for their specs even exist.

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