Do the classes need a shake up?

The dye for 10.0 appears to be cast already. And I haven’t seen a lot of feedback taken by Blizzard period. But let’s assume an AU where Blizzard cares what we think:

Do you think 10.0 should come with a class shakeup or should we continue to make incremental changes? Define shakeup however you want, but here’s my two cents:

  1. Some classes feel too big to fail - warrior and druid are god tier frequently
  2. We need more ranged specs. As I posted recently, every ranged spec was in-game in 2004
  3. There’s some legacy stuff that still doesn’t make a ton of sense (Shamans with shields?)
  4. Utility, which is in varying states of existence, needs a rethink. Who gets Lust, who gets battle rez, should we add more elements like this (e.g. should we give Concealment to multiple classes?)

Personally, I think we need to figure out whats going on with Mail. People rightfully complained about Survival going from ranged to melee, I personally think Enhancement is still an afterthought and doesn’t fit with modern WoW (esp. since DKs are the Paladin opposite these days), and if we’re not going to get a thing class with mail, scrap it and move Hunter to leather and shaman to plate.


Read the rest of your post. Agree on the mail armor of getting rid of it and changing hunter/shaman.

I still think giving DH a ranged spec would work well to alleviate the melee bloat, rather than another new class.


Add Tinker as a New class that uses Mail armor to Round out the armor classes.

All 3 specializations should use Intellect, because we haven’t gotten a New intellect class.

Specs should be Ranged DPS, Ranged Healer, Melee Tank. In order to alleviate Melee bloat and finally add new ranged classes for people to play.

Also, making it an Omni role class gives it wider appeal, especially considering it would finally allow Goblins to play an Omni role class.


I still hate the idea of Tinkerer but that all adds up.


Dragonsworn >>> Tinker, IMO.


Shake ups are almost never “good”

SWG Combat upgrade for example.

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I mean, a new Omni class is a good addition. A new ranged dps class is a good addition.
Intellect is exclusively used by healers and casters. We should shake that up. Give us an Int gun user and an Int Tank.
Guns are only used by 2 specs of one class and they only have agility as their stat, we should shake that up.

Also ranged dps, ranged healer, Melee tank would be a unique role lineup.

I don’t get what’s to hate.


lmao funny


I hate Starcraft creeping into my Warcraft

*Edit: I don’t hate Starcraft when it’s in it’s own lane.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: what does StarCraft have to do with this?
I mean if you don’t like StarCraft, that’s whatever but it seems unrelated

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: again, what?
Are you saying WarCraft is too Sci fi?
How is starcraft bleeding into Warcraft?


Yes. I don’t like the Spaceships, I don’t like the steampunk, I don’t like the insane guns hunters are getting, and I don’t like things like Soul Forges.

Edit: All of this First Ones stuff is killing me. Robots = suck.


I think that more ranged classes would be good.

The biggest shakeup they could do though would be to remove tanks from the game and change the way combat works.

4 DPS and 1 healer, dps juggle aggro and defensive cooldowns along with CC. Mobs attack more randomly and have fixate mechanics. Tune damage around not having a tank.

I think this is the move to make and it would solve a lot of composition problems

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Getting rid of tanks isn’t something I’d support, but given how tanks are currently, and how they’re treated, I might entertain the concept.

Huh. It sounds like you don’t like the fantasy of WoW, considering we’ve had steampunk tech since Warcraft 2. Submarines, gyro copters, torpedoes, zeppelin, all that is core Warcraft.


DPS cant even fight normally without eating paste, you think they can throw aggro management in there?


It’d definitely be a great way to get all the tank players left to quit! Extreme shakeup!

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It being there in very small batches works. The industrialization of technology is world-breaking.


Been in WarCraft since BC…

Been in Warcraft since WC2.

Do I need to remind you that the Titan Keepers are also robots?
That the Egyptian gods protecting the Forge of origination are also robots?
That the constructs protecting ulduman are also robots?

Dwarves, humans, and gnome were also robots originally?

You say you don’t like StarCraft. But All these things you mentioned are part of WarCraft.

Sounds to me like you don’t like WarCraft.

Nothing you mentioned has ANYTHING to do with StarCraft.
Have you played StarCraft?
Psionically unified beings, ever evolving biological super weapons, humans developing psionic potential… that’s StarCraft….


Yeah they need to be more like a warrior

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oh god no. tinker would be so boring.

Necromancer would be the ideal choice.
mail wearer using intellect.
ranged dps, healer, and could either go tank or melee here.