Do the classes need a shake up?

This is great.

“Maybe they’re god mode in arena” in a conversation about how warrior bring nothing to the table.

Because the PvP discussion and the PvE discussion are two ENTIRELY different things.

They need to take a look at the utility. Some have way more than others and if every spec does relatively the same amount of damage, the specs with the most utility are going to be taken.

Also that applies even more in mythic+ where only 5 specs can be taken. This creates a meta where there’s high demand for certain classes and others have zero demand.

That’s fair, my entire justification for why it’s likely to be next is this:

It’s easy for blizzard.
It’s based on WC3.
Damn near every leak says it’s next.

That doesn’t mean I’m right, that’s just why I think I’m right.

I, for one, have never considered PvP to be a legitimate selling point of this game. I spent a long time with a Horde RPPvP guild and, I just never understood it.
PvP has always felt like an after thought and a mini game to me. Like if we got a WoW Kart Racer.

I know there are some that consider PvP to be the legitimate endgame and the only reason they consider the game worth playing and I have to ask “why?”

And yet we’re talking about one class.

I mean, as long as you recognize that saying the same thing about raiding is valid.

Why anyone wants to spend 6 hours a night explaining basic mechanics to people who have to “brb” constantly. It’s the opposite of fun.


well my one argument to that is almost every expansion we’ve had almost all leaks for them are saying tinkers. gotta feeling a lot of leaks are done by the same few people.

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You might as well have told us you like cookies.

Neither comment adds anything to the discussion at hand.

Just because you don’t get the concept doesn’t mean it’s invalid. Probably just a good lesson for life, really.

That’s totally fair, I keep wishing they’ll be true.

That shuts the people asking for them up, and it gives us a class that’s unique compared to the existing ones.

Agreeing to disagree is all well and good, but objectively we don’t have a technology class.

And for some people, myself included. That leaves the desire for a technology class, even if that isn’t universally shared

Rebuttal toward you own argument (or rather, lack of one).


Do I have an argument or don’t i? Do you even know? Or do you just say whatever you think will help you win?

I think you have an argument, but only as it relates to PvP-- which no one cares about.

I then made clear that there is an OBVIOUS distinction between PvE and PvP, and that this thread (and the points I was making) wasn’t about PvP.

You then said “but it’s about Warriors.”

Which… has nothing to do with the point (the PvE/PvP distinction and that this was about PvE).

Just stick to the fact you like PvP. We can agree to disagree on that and walk away. I’m fine with that. Let’s see how you fare…

see im not against that.

what i am against though is how blizzard implements that in the game. like i cant stand the way mechs look in the game. they are shaking constantly and shooting out a ton of smoke. all tech in wow looks like its going to break at any moment lol

blizzards idea of “tech” looks really bad lol

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Here, let’s walk through it together:

  1. This thread is about a class shakeup
  2. One of the reasons I asked this question is because some classes have an overloaded kit
  3. One of those kits is warrior, who increases in value in Arena even when other classes get buffed and Warriors don’t as we see in 9.2
  4. Reminder: The topic was a class shake up
  5. Because Warriors went through 9.1 with 12% representation in 3s, and the second class (don’t remember what it was) had 6% representation, this constitutes an overloaded kit in my mind
  6. Because again, this thread is about a class shake-up

That’s neither PVE or PVP? You see, when one class has an over-represented presence in something, that indicates a problem. That’s just how numbers work. And in THIS case, warriors have higher numbers than all other classes!

class shakeup? no. spec shake-up? some of them, but only if it makes some of them play like they used to. for example: mistweaver monk. would love if they made them play/feel like they used-to in legion. gimme my ability to move and heal at the same time again, dangit!

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Not strictly, it’s true. Just as it’s also true I made an ASSUMPTION it was about PvE when it was only labeled as “class shakeup.”

This is all true.

But as I stated, the first inclination is to assume any GENERAL discussion about Classes and/or abilities is going to be about PvE because PvP is a waste of breath. So since it wasn’t stated, and nothing about the post seems to focus on PvP, it seems fair to assume the scope is PvE-only.

You seem SPECIFICALLY focused on PvP. And that’s fine. It was quite clear (or at least, should have been) that was not my position. PvP is a complete joke in this game. Once it becomes worthy of discussion, I’ll buy the first round and chat with any and everyone about it.

Thanks! See ya around.

Ok but this stuff has always been part of the Warcraft universe…

Elemental/Resto PvP Shamans will probably disagree with you on that… they enjoy the extra armor boost making them less squishy to melee/Physical.

Nope. As an Ele/Resto Shaman I want shields removed and zero make-up for the mitigation loss. I think that’s both obvious in what I’ve posted and I think I speak for everyone.


I think adding battle mages/ Dark rangers can help with mail really.

I’m not sure what tinker’s could wear.