Do the classes need a shake up?

I don’t like being this much of a pedant, but it’s killing me.

Die - math rock, a trinket used to invoke RNGesus and hope for sweet natural 20s
Dice - a collection of math rocks
Dye - coloring additive

I do agree that the class roster could use a shake up. My concern is the track history. DH got added, but warlocks got an entire spec identity taken down a peg. Survival is apparently doing well now, but that’s at the tail end of a …5 year? record of being a bit of a meme as the result of their spec being unnecessarily reworked.


You’re supposed to say:

“It’s been here since X, maybe Warcraft isn’t the game for you.”

it’s like “America, love it or leave it.” They’re comparable in that they’re intellectually bankrupt.

Yeah? Exactly. What’s your point?

And now they aren’t.

Since your alliance i knew your comeback would be blood elves lol yes the most played race in the game would definitely be the most hated race in the game. that makes a lot of sense…

And besides its about 95% of the players who dont like blood elves are alliance players. Because they are still bitter they didnt get them/high elves and the horde did. but funny the most played allied race in the game is void elfs. but yeah you can keep thinking that blood/void elfs are the most hated race in the game lol

and if youre talking boring and basic races then look no further than the alliance. everything is a human. human, fat human, short stubby human, and tiny human. and worgen if you count their human form. and if you really want you can throw in void elfs too when you go light skinned.

The one im talking about is the most credible leak so far is Empire of Dragons. which technically doesnt have a new class, but we get something called dragonsworn which gives us a few new abilities.

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I’m also disappointed. Everyone knows the Party Line attack against Horde players is that you wanted Easy Mode and decided to play on the faction with tons of players and an economy.

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I don’t play Alliance… but ok. Whatever you say.

Nope. Don’t care.
I don’t like blood elves and I play Horde. I think they’re basic. :woman_shrugging:

Now the Alliance has them too, and guess what? they’re still basic.

You’re really hinging on me being an alliance player.
No, I don’t like the Alliance.
I don’t play alliance.

I wouldn’t expect an edge lord named “Deathcarnage” to know what is interesting.
“Edgy” stuff is super boring.

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The post on your main…

then post on your main…

then post on your main…

then post on your main…

you know i can tell that you play horde and dont like/play alliance at all by your max level alliance toon. Which by the way is literally the only thing i know or can see about you. god your dumb…

if thats true then why are demon hunters one of the most played classes in the game? which again is the class your posting on. and i bet conveniently you’ll say that you dont play demon hunter or like demon hunter all…

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Or, just don’t judge people based on what you assume about them. Come up with a real argument instead of a logical fallacy.


Again with the ad hominem arguments. Don’t insult people like it’s grade school.

Dude. Again. Stop making baseless assumptions and making a fool of yourself.

I like demon hunter just fine. I think it’s fun to play, but I don’t find the fantasy of demon hunter particularly captivating.

So: how about you stop trying to throw insults at me. It’s rude and baseless.

Get back on topic:
I think we should have heroes based on the WarCraft heroes. Instead of going with generic fantasy tropes that have been done to death.
Tinker is something unique to Warcraft. “Necromancer” is not.


Then why are you arguing with people on here because they don’t like the things you like?

And stop belittling people for the things they like/dislike. If someone likes what you say as “edgy” who cares? If someone here doesn’t like sci-fi elements in the game who cares? Stop acting like a child.

Oh. And now trying to use more intelligent words in your vocabulary doesn’t actually make you look smarter. Especially when none of your other posts had anything like that. It just makes you sound like a douche.

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I just think we should add classes that feel thematically distinct to Warcraft.

That’s not belittling. It’s just that “Knight With Dragon Powers” and “Necromancer” are incredibly played out and overdone tropes in every walk of fantasy.

Now, earlier I said those ideas are boring, and that’s my opinion.
But my argument is that they are boring because they are overdone, and unoriginal.

Well, I’m sorry you are so upset with me.
I’d very much like to continue talking about what class should be next.

there’s a reason why though. it’s because they work. They are a popular fantasy.

imo i dont see tinker as a popular class. Which isn’t a problem to me, but it might be for blizzard. Because unfortunately it all comes down to money for big time businesses. So when it comes to them they ask the question “what’s going to sell?”

So in that regards i dont see tinker as a hype class. kind of another reason why monks never took off. sure they fit the expansion, but they don’t have that “cool” vibe that attracts people. Like dks and dhs. They do have the “cool” vibe that a lot of people like.

So that’s kind of why i see necromancers or some dragon themed class working.

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Mistweaver monk could really use some love. The two things I would like to see is making both mistweaving and fistweaving both solid and viable as far as healer dps. There are some who prefer to stay at ranged, and others who love being up close and personal.

And yet, every class they have added, hell just about everything they’ve ever added to this game takes direct inspiration from the RTS days.

Shadowlands didn’t, of course. Aside from retcons, and it’s very clearly disliked by the community.

Every class in game all these years later STILL have iconic abilities from WC3.

So I imagine that just like Monk, Demon hunter. And Death Knight, they will keep taking ideas from WC3. And that means Tinker.

Blizzard added these classes because they could reuse old assets and ideas from previous games, and from previous work they’ve done on WoW.

Tinker fits in perfectly with that.
Tinker abilities have been designed already for NPCs, There’s plenty of models, VFX and assets in game already for a tinker class.

If I know ONE thing about blizzard it’s that they will use the assets they already have even if it’s unpopular.

Make warriors great again!

I agree buff mages!

ROFL … wut???

Because Warriors bring so much to the table.

Invis, oh wait, no.
A Battle Rez, oh wait, no.
Blood Lust, oh wait, no.
A long list of TANGIBLE benefits? Nope.

We have a buff that a> it’s trivial, b> doesn’t even benefit the whole group (generally).

And we have Rally which… again, it might save you, it might not. I would never call it a “game changer” the way Lust or BR is.

Warriors bring NOTHING to the table when it comes to unique group dynamics.

Meanwhile, Raid design keeps having to throw some stupid “add-a-mob” to encounters so Warriors can hit Sweeping Strikes and not get left behind. All the good Warrior parses in SoD? It’s because there was an add. In other words: we only did decently BECAUSE OF A GIMMICK.

Warriors are god mode… get outta here with that garbage.

They have more utility than most classes.

Yep-- like our … what, exactly? BR, Lust, Invis? … we have nothing. The tools you are likely to quote now are the same ones other classes have. It’s not unique to us.

Then explain why they have double the representation of the second class in arena

i guess we just agree to disagree

Because in any discussion about the general state of the game, I’m going to assume it has nothing to do with the dumpster fire that is PvP.

PvP in this game is a joke. If that is your metric for how anything works in WoW… I dunno what to tell you.

Maybe Warriors are god-mode in Arena. No rational person cares about that.