Do the Blood Elves have no shame?

Void elves (whatever problems might exist with them and their implementation) are better for the alliance then the High elves.

They were attacking anyone attempting to investigate/repair the sanctums.

It doesn’t matter what headcanon explanation you give for them being there, the second they fired on anyone trying to deal with the sanctums, they were in the wrong even if they were there to give away free puppies or whatever.

They also could have just asked if their intentions were benevolent. The Belves allowed Alliance diplomats until they backstabbed their hosts.


I try to remember that about 1 country IRL.

They should have become a neutral race with a neutral city. Slap in blue eye customizations and bam you have high elves for those who want to RP them, no need for void nonsense.

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Centaurs care more about Taurens than Nelves do.


Or People can get over their fetishistic obsession with Queldorei.


Better then the filthy stormwind. I hear they are based on medieval europeans. Meaning they dont bath regularly and dump waste in the streets.

A random fun fact for yall during the black plague people who cleaned the bathrooms where less likely to get sick since they where the only ones who bathed regularly. When the townsfolk saw this they thought it was a poop keeping the plague away so they started caring their own waste and inhaling it!

Those people couldnt even figure out regular bathing…

So maybe stormwind stinks so bad they would rather be in orgimmar lol


Really, though, racism is a pretty widespread, if somewhat sporadic in its… ‘implementation’ issue.

We experience it first hand doing our starting quests.


With out the word “because” and something to support your idea, this is a pretty worthless statement, and is easily and fairly negated with two words:

You’re wrong.

They were observing. It was the Blood Elves over stressing them. Whatever your headcannon is.

I actually don’t have a headcannon. I’m saying it is sufficiently ambiguous to do some lore games with.

They actively destroy our structures. We have to kill them to stop them. Did you play through our quests or are you just trolling?

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Nice fan-fiction. Too bad that Canon Stormwind is stated to be a beautiful city and a marvel of Human design and engineering.

The mud-hut folk accusing the Humans of “poor city planning”… oh the irony, the irony…

They need to update it visually to reflect that.



The High elves are utterly worthless for the alliance because there sole defining trait that sets them apart is that they’re basically weebs for human culture.

That’s it. That’s their whole schtick.

The only race in the entire game that has less going on in terms of themes and ideas is Troggs who are just fail dwarves.

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I have no shame so the answer is no.

Besides, all those races you mentioned are family by now so when you insult one of us, you insult all of us.

Tread lightly now.


You misread your quest text. Here it is. Read it again.

That is a completely different quest. I’m talking about the destruction of the sanctums, lol.

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It all comes down to timing. At that time, the BEs were very few in number and looking for a home, a place to belong.
They tried the alliance but met with the stereotypical attitude of some outliers (not all alli were like Garithos but many followed him) so it wasn’t just Garithos who tried to kill BEs off, it was the interference of NEs as well as some others.

So BEs felt trapped and surrounded by enemies, at one point this became painfully clear so that’s why they left the alliance.

But Garry and Sylv never attacked the BEs directly or indirectly afaik. They weren’t a threat to the BEs as by then, the BEs were horde and had both Garry then Sylv to back them up.

Garry even admired how BEs worked together in battle.
When both Garry and Sylv went “bad” at the respective times they did, it was outside forces that tipped them over the edge.

Sha infested Garry began targeting Lorthemar and so Lorthemar began setting up Garrys demise.

Sylvanas was manipulated by another (still not sure who but I think it may be Xal, Idk but I think it’s the same one that lied to Voljin when he was dying) and she turned against everyone in the horde.

Such is the writing of WoW.

I’m not heavy into the lore but this is what I learned by playing BEs and mostly horde side ingame.

I haven’t read the books.


Mud hut folks ARE humans u guys are just cursed inbred golems.

The zandalari has an empire that lasted 10k years and counted while u human barbarians just showed up. Well be here long after ur cursed flesh rots


I have no idea what quest you’re talking about then, lol.

This is the only other quest line relating to the Night Elves that I know of, lol.

Exactly. Really there was as much reason to join the Horde as the Alliance. I recall reviewing WoW before it was released and wondering why the Night Elves and the Humans would be allied, since Thrall’s Horde and the Humans were allied first.

People tend to think of the faction war as something out of LOTR, but that was the lore for the first and second wars. By the end of ROC, the Horde, Alliance, and Night Elves were all buddy buddy. At the end of TFT and the bonus Horde campaign, there was an obvious rift with the Humans and Horde, but the Night Elves it wasn’t so clear. The last interaction the Night Elves had with the Blood Elves was a mutually beneficial alliance.

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