Do the Blood Elves have no shame?

My Blood Elf Hunter has more shame than my Tauren Shaman who uses anywhere as a bathroom.

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It was in the quest line leading up to Deactivate An’owyn when we deactivate their moon crystals.

The only time really was when Tyrande helped Kael, but Blizz forgot that even happened. Everything within WoW has either been aggression or mistrust.

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The real reason: Some PvP lover convinced others at Blizzard that there needed to be two rigid factions in the game. So, instead of having a Warcraft story, they divided up everyone into two groups, never to be broken apart again. The thing is that the players on the Horde were sad that they had to play Horde races. And players in Asia wanted their girlfriends to play with them, but their girlfriends said “No way!” to playing Horde races. Solution? Put a pretty race onto the Horde.

In the traditional Blizzard way of “subverting expectations” (by doing pretty much what you expect Blizzard to do at this point) they shoehorned the Blood Elves onto the Horde with some rather sloppy story. And now that they’re superglued to the symbol of the tribal toilet seat, they can never be removed, no matter how much sense it would make.

It would have been much better for the story had they come up with a different way to handle PvP and then had each race be its own thing, with no rigid factions.

If the Blood Elves acted like they had before they became Blood Elves, they’d be isolationists, walled up in Silvermoon, claiming they have no need for outside help.

I’ll have you know I’m a Minotaur, not a “talking cow”.


Combination of the following, presumably:

  • Their most recent experiences with Humans were Arthas, who decimated their lands, killed many of their leaders, and nearly wiped them out, and Garithos, who was ludicrously racist toward them, even if they weren’t part of the “modern” Alliance those experiences likely left them with a sour taste toward them

  • Their first interactions with the “modern” Alliance involved a group of Night Elves trying to sabotage their remaining defenses against the Scourge, with the aid of a Dwarf who was using his role as an envoy to spy on their defenses

  • The Forsaken, who they were rightfully wary of, arrived to help them under Sylvanas’ orders and, get this, they actually helped them by aiding with the Alliance saboteurs and several local Scourge threats


It wasn’t really shoe-horned nor sloppy. They had Helves leave the Alliance all the way back during WC II, they try to help the old Alliance and seek help from them after they are Blood Elves and get sentenced to death in WC III. The Horde had changed a lot before TBC, and their Ranger General was the one that convinced them to join.

It makes better sense than joining the new Alliance that they had no ties to that would not or could not help them.

I doubt very much that it had to do with PVP. PVP is not the highest played part of the game. But a lot of people were gonna play Belves for the looks.

This is most true, but then the need for survival happened.


Well, Blood Elves didn’t have much choice at first as their choice was going back to the same alliance that was racists towards them, that also had the Night elves which looked down upon them and had also a dwarf spy preying on them.

Sylvanas helped them and convinced them to join the Horde so things kept relatively well until MoP when tired of the way Garrosh was treating them, they were in talks of leaving the Horde and joining the alliance, just when Jaina and the the widow exiled elf decided to commit genocide killing Blood Elf civilians in Dalaran during the Purge, act that was later confirmed by Varian it caused the end of their conversations to join the alliance.

Lor’themar and the Blood Elves decided to fight for the Horde and they have earned their place.

Unlike the OP which roleplays as a racist, the Blood Elves do not look down on the Horde races and Orcs also learned to respect the Elves as comrades in combat.

All I see again is OP is still not over the fact that Blood Elves are proud members of the Horde and not his hypocrite alliance.


I think you may want to roll a BE and play through the game.

BEs have a very interesting story line. Because of their story line it actually makes the alliance more of an interesting faction, too instead of just the “good faction”, which can get boring fast.

Shoe-horned and sloppy? As others have stated – the Helves left the Alliance after WCII and when they sought to help it, they get stuck with the worst commander imaginable who puts them to death after they get help to overcome a suicide mission in WCIII.

It also helped the New Horde gave them legitimate and genuine aid rather then the Alliance sabotaging their defenses and spying on them.


When both factions suddenly act strangely out of character so that the “story” can work, then yes: shoehorned and sloppy.

When was the Horde acting strangely out of character? You do realize that the faction had changed hands during the RTS games right? That Thrall’s Horde was not remotely the same? And that had a lot of development. It didn’t just happen the moment Belves join.

The Alliance of Stormwind isn’t even the same Alliance Belves were with. They don’t know you. The only thing they know of the Alliance of Stormwind is mistrust and aggression.


It’s weird seeing people defending lore, Blizzard threw out lore a long time ago.

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Everything here checked out kid. You not liking how your faction behaves doesn’t make it “Shoe horned and sloppy”.