Do the Blood Elves have no shame?

I… don’t think you really know anything about the game.



Oh really? Then show Me Silvermoon’s church/temple. :man_facepalming:

Fact is, the Blood Elves have no religion, and so they have no culture.

Anything to get away from humans, tyvm.

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They don’t need the crutch of a religion like humans.
(this is starla)


Jaina did not help the issue in MoP.

She was gone from WC II until near the end of Legion and we were just fine. Locus-Walker just sounds like a fan boy.


They have culture, the original Helf culture and that’s why you want them so much.


The High Elves worshipped the Holy Light, much like Humans do. They had an official priesthood (of which the name has not been revealed by Blizzard yet); they had a High Priest, Vandellor (he is now a Kyrian ascended), and they had several Priests; for example, one of the Alliance core units in WC3 was the High Elf Priest. Liadrin herself was once a Priestess of the Light.

Blood Elves have forsaken all of this. Their culture, their customs, their traditions, their faith, all forsaken. All has turned to petty ambition and meaningless power-grabbing. They have turned their back on the Holy Light, and for what? To snort on Fel crack?

They got energies from the well and still do during pilgrimage. Belves also use the light.

You know this isn’t true.

There was never any faith. Even for the ones that take from the light. It was the light from the well.

Elves were always about power. Whether it’s mana, light or the void.

Again, do you get a thrill out of being proven wrong? Did you play any of TBC?


Sometimes that changes hundreds of years later. No point in worrying about it as you won’t even know if you are or not on the right side at the moment. People just say this to feel good about themselves.

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This is yet another amazing plot point failure by Blizzard in this expansion. SL was worse for the game, but when it comes to missed opportunities for storytelling I often say BFA was a more dismal failure.

Picture this: Because of the attack on Teldrassil, the Blood Elves exit as members of the Horde. And the high elves still with the Alliance, shocked at the lack of protection given to the important ally of Night Elves, see echoes of Garithos’ lack of aid to Silvermoon, rejoin with Silvermoon and the race goes neutral. Then you don’t have to come up with the contrived story of Void elves.

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Why would that be a problem? Nelves spied on Blood Elves and destroyed structures on our land during TBC. They forced out the Highborne that became High Elves who then became Blood Elves. There’s long been a schism.


I was with you chief, until this comment. If you read up on it, there were also civilians there. If you do the scenario from the alliance side, you will see it specifically says so. They are the shopkeepers, family members etc living there. Not just the militants. I had the same idea once and went ahead and did the scenario just to see for myself; and yep, it says Sunreaver civilians.

I am waiting for an elf faction! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The idea that the horde races would be that personally upset about the nelves being attacked that they’d jump ship right as the Alliance warhawks got the green light to kill said race is crazy.

I see the same for Tauren too, yet when have the Nelves shed a single tear for the Tauren being brutalized?


Tell us again about how not mad you are. Everyone really wants to hear about it.


was looking for this you rock

That’s what the magisters told you. Their trustworthiness and choosing personal gains of power over the welfare of the people were well known by BFA.

True, in lieu of the death penalty that was SUPPOSED to be levied. They also helped the refugees in the aftermath of the Scourge invasion.

Tbh this is because Blizzard’s always afraid to make the Alliance feel the weight of the Alliance’s choices.

A la the Horde vs Alliance side of the Vol’dun war affairs.


GASLIGHTING [Impossible:Failure] - uh, what if those nelves you fight in the Blood elf starting zone didn’t actually exist, huh?


What if they were not planning an invasion? Why would a bunch of druids only be in the blighted section of the blood elf starting area? Think on that one.