Do the Blood Elves have no shame?

“we literally just made it so we wouldn’t kill you on sight for your life choices” isn’t a ringing endorsement.

Especially when one of their major characters decided to become a serial killer because of it and got a slap on the wrist for it

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I wonder if it has anything to do with the way Alliance has treated them. Including erroneously murdering Sunreaver civilians on a hunch Jaina had (which turned out to be incorrect.)

That might stop them. Just a thought.

Just imagine Lorth’s position, on that.

“God I’m sick of psychos running the Horde, maybe I’ll join the Allia–”

Jaina murders a bunch of innocents.

“Nevermind, Garrosh might not be so bad.”

Years later, Alleria sucks up void power and no one bats an eye.


You clearly haven’t played WCIII.

You seem to think Lordaeron Humans and their actions are attributed to Stormwind Humans.

The Forsaken are the former Lordaeron Humans that abandoned the Sin’dorei and tried to kill them.

Educate yourself next time, because you’re embarrassing yourself.

Everything you said is wrong.

I wonder if that’s because the Alliance honors the entire legacy of Lordaeron.

Not sure what you’re even talking about beyond that, guessing you haven’t played War3.

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In that case, give us back Lordaeron and finish purging the Undead.

If you played WCIII you would know what I’m saying. Sadly, it seems you haven’t. Shame.

Your precious anti-Forsaken became Forsaken themselves.


Ah, the Horde. The faction that joins with those that tried to genocide them.

The Scourge is not the Forsaken.

Also, I’m not even sure what kind of gotcha this is meant to be? Is forgiveness a bad trait, in your opinion? War demands a lot of a nation. No wonder you’re big into the Alliance. If it hasn’t suckled the teat of the titans you don’t want it. (Or alien goats, alternatively, for some reason.)


You know, there’s other fiction settings than JUST Warcraft.

Dark elves have been a thing not only in fiction but in folklore for centuries, if not millennia. Vikings had them in their stories that would later be included in great works like The Prose Edda, the thing where we get most of our Norse mythology from.

Even if you look at video game fiction, the dark elves in Everquest hung out with even uglier races than what we have in WoW. You’ve also got the Drow - they’ve always been popular.

Expand your horizons a bit! Lots of cool fiction out there where WoW got their cues from :smiley:


Considering that they tried, and not only did the night elves ambush, and sabotage them, they even staged a fake diplomacy just to spy and destroy one of the sanctums keeping their city safe.

But hey, at least we don’t have those nasty, void-infested elves on our side. :wink:


he doesnt play blood elves if he did he would know that.


Tbf they barely work with themselves let alone other people.

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The irony is he’s probably one of the people frothing at the mouth to get inside Silvermoon lol

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It is a bit strange, though, that the night elves have turned against the blood elves. They were allied in Wc3.

True, you have a point. It’s easy for me to forget that D&D’s lore and interactions aren’t always in-line with what players do with them.

IIIIIIIIII also might’ve just gotten knee deep on a new evil run of BG3 too. Necromancer, baybeeeeeeeee, can’t wait to hang with Minthara.

Something something Night Elves hate the fel unless it’s lil Satyrs in their woods, then they’re just a pest.

Genuinely hate Night Elves. Other than Wardens, all of their lore is boring.

(Clarifying that I’m talking strictly about post-nightwell)

“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

― Billy Madison (movie)


i see a ton of void elves infront of the belf starting area gates with their “horde” friends. i typically outright camp them when i see them and they get mad and have their friends swear at me for it i dont care tbh alliance aint welcome in horde lands.


You might want to take your own advice because your post history on this topic is pretty cringe.