Do the Blood Elves have no shame?


Nightborne are just Blood Elves but purple and uglier. They have nothing unique or special going for them.

At the time the alliance actively rejected them because they were addicts. The alliance had a bad history of various leaders not liking other races for various reasons.

There are many reasons. Lor’themar has given several. And still does.

They joined the Horde because their culture and ideals aligned better with the Belfs than Nelfs. It had nothing to do with Tyrande’s attitude.

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are you new to the game? because the blood elves and forsaken aka the zombies have been working together since the forsaken were living and blood elves were known as high elves and have been allies since the first human kingdom lorewise for 5000 years those humans they are allies with are not the playable humans nor are they the kul’tirans they are the lordaeron and arathi humans both of which died out and are forsaken with a handful are alive very very few more are forsaken the king is a dk atm.


the current alliance abandoned lordaeron and quel’thalas after the 2nd war leaving them to defend. what is intresting is they were the only threats on the eastern kingdoms who could stop the legion as they were the ones who ended the horde and were such a threat the legion had to create the scourge because that was the only way to defeat them.

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I believe you can blame WC3. The way the Humans were treating the elves. This is why they joined the horde and why Kael Thas joined Illidan in Outlands with the Naga.

and you can blame the night elves and dwarves heck the alliance at the time, this was covered during TBC belf starting area. thing is the only ones who even helped the blood elves were the forsaken the literal former allies when they were alive and their leader one of the most beloved and respected elves of a noble family sylvanas windrunner and unlike the alliance who discriminated against the forsaken because of their apearence and what they had no controll over. the blood elves didnt because they understand the nature of magic and what it does. ( and btw the humans in current wow are not lordaeron humans the allies of the blood elves former high elves they are stormwind an entire differnt country who abanoned them after the 2nd war so no loyalty at all.)

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Maybe they don’t want to be associated with racist humans anymore.


why would the blood elves join an alliance with the kingdom of stormwind who abandoned them and everyone after the 2nd war they instead teamed up with their old allies lordaeron aka the forsaken the now horde member.


(not saying you are incorrect, but also expanding on this)
Well, kind of.
At least using the context of the immediate mistrust towards the alliance:
Othmar Garithos of Lordaeron, a surviving Grand Marshal at the time, was literally xenophobic. He “allied” with the elves specifically to send them at the scourge like a meat shield.
The elves worked with the Naga in order to not be massacred, which caused Garithos to spread rumors about the elves and treat them like traitors, where he tried to imprison and execute them.

After dealing with someone that is effectively a representative of the alliance and getting treated like that, it is not super surprising that they chose the horde.


Sin’dorei are Sinful and Pathetic. Just wipe the slate clean and retake Silvermoon for the Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei.

The choice was also a case of simple practicality; putting aside the lingering issues with the alliance, the fact remained that the Belves were on the ropes and needed immediate support to deal with their immediate threats:

  • The amani nation
  • The scourge

The forsaken ~however you may feel about them~ were the most dedicated, expierienced and hardend enemies of the Scourge you could find anywhere, and the Dark spear trolls (while not a 1:1 match for them) would have had the best insight on how to deal with the Amani.

Beyond that, the Horde had a staging ground in tirisfal glade from which they could credibly send support while the nearest position the alliance could do similar feats was… menethil harbor?

Really, it’s a better question as to why the blood elves would have ever joined the alliance.

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there is more info info in tbc and in the books that gives more reasons why the blood elves joined the horde and not the alliance. thing is when ever i see these threads they always seem to come from people who quite clearly dont know the lore as such the topic always is quite nonsensical

Tell us again how not bitter you are Emet.


You seem to have no idea what the actual facts are.

Stormwind never abandoned them. They were rebuilding still after being razed from WC1.

Lordaeron abandoned them. The same Lordaeron that became the Forsaken - who also were the ones that tried to wipe out the Sin’dorei in WCIII.

Typical of a Sin’dorei to be wrong about everything - as per usual.

After getting a vacation from mmochampion you are trying to bait people here hum?

you havent played warcraft 2 3 and classic wow TBC wrath cata mop wod or read any of the books or even the short stories because if you did you would realize you are wrong. and btw all those are still accessible more than ever as they were so no excuse saying you are not able .


Tell us again how much stormwind helped the elves after the scourge attack?

so much bs, it was canonically at least 20 years after WC1 to the fall of the elves in wc3, they were not “rebuilding”.

the lordaeron who became the forsaken did not “betray” anything, Sylvanas and her group were a thing already before Garithos assumed the alliance remnants leadership

Typical of the “alliance high elf posters” making up fanfics using headcanon


No, none of the elves have shame. They act so bad even toddlers look at them in disgust.