Do something about boosting

To be fair, boosting did not happen at this level in vanilla.


Yeah, no question there.

But that was a choice made by the players; the developers explicitly gave both options. We RPG players just had control of the genre at the time, and the influx of gogogo kids immediately turned it to BC and beyond. You can see this with any series that starts in a subgenre and gets popular; Halo, Ark, Bethesda, etc.

Blizzard has expressed that the goal is to maintain the intent and feel of classic. they have made several changes, to move classic closer to the feel and original intent of vanilla.

boosting was not as much of a thing in vanilla, and definitely wasnt original intent, so nerfing boosting is expected.


also would cut down on goldselling and help control inflation if boosting was eliminated or nerfed.


I agree. Boosting is bad game design.


Difference is, this time around, there’s not that steady influx of new players to run dungeons with for people who want to play the regular way.

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Ha, now THAT’S a solution I hadn’t considered. Aside from the effects on the economy that’d be a great way to rush the gogogo crowd to their preferred gameplay and out of our hair.

Side note, the fresh servers generally appeal to the gogogo crowd, not us, as we’d “fail” BOTH times to exploit the leveling mass, and we retain a connection to our toons far longer, so starting over doesnt work. We tend to level much slower and play far less frequently. Fresh servers would be best used imo to lure away the gogogo crowd as they typically seek server firsts and the rush of players.

Yeah so is taking turns in chess. It should be skill and reaction time based because more people like that.

I think you meant unpopular, not bad.

Neither was raiding. Should it be removed too to preserve the “sPiRit Of cLaSsic”?


This thread reminds me that I need to look for a SM boost today.

Question about boosting. How long does it take one to boost from 0 to 60. It still must take a really long time and cost hundreds, if not thousand, of gold.

That does make me wonder why MMORPGs focus so much on end game. Companies could also probably make more long term profits by “padding” out their game in a fun way. Too bad innovation in the MMORPG sphere is dead.

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Yep, new beginner zones and races would incentivize raid focused players to reroll leading to longer subscription times, in theory. Probably way easier to throw another raid together though.

So it’s probably about “We better stick to the safest bet” because trying something new might be a huge monetary risk? I’ve thought about that a lot, but no business gets anywhere by having cold feet.

Spirit of the game is defined by the people playing it. If you think its bad now wait and see what happens when some of the better guilds start to sell runs thought naxx. Extra if the item you want to get drops.

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I’m leveling a 4th character. I have 3 level 60s. I’ve literally never boosted. I have never payed someone gold to assist me with leveling. The vast majority of my leveling is done in the open world.

It’s up to an individual to decide how they want to level. Boosting is not required. It’s just another way to go about it. It only ruins the game for yourself if you choose to level that way.

Really? Bots I’ve seen don’t seem to be “skilled” enough to handle those runs. I’d imagine you’d need a real person playing a character to run those.

What they envisioned is mostly irrelevant. The players drive the meta, not the devs.

This entire thread, and all the ones like it, should answer that question.

They focus on it because that’s all that many players care about.

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I would be in favour of XP being based on the highest level character in the party.


Having thriving endgame communities > having thriving levelling communities when there are very few new players.

The recent update’s a step in the right direction to make this happen.