Do something about boosting

Where did I do anything of the sort? The players exist to fill 5 man traditional instance groups. The channel used to assemble such groups is simply garbage, flooded with the boosting ads.

I have no idea what your ability to assemble a single 40 person raid once a week has to do with this. What a really bizarre flex.

Filled with boosting ads because the market demands it. If it wasnt profitable, it would die. That shows people are ignoring leveling content in exchange for a faster level 60. Thanks for helping me form my argument there.

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I’m just ignoring you, you ignore common sense and intentionally misunderstand peoples points. You do it on every thread to be the ultimate contrarian.

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Where did anyone suggest otherwise? You are entirely missing the point, that is makes the LFG channel virtually unusable for anyone looking for a level appropriate group.

Project much?

the thing is, we already know how they “solved” boosting, it’s a gutted leveling experience and heirlooms, but both are antithetical to classic, while boosting isn’t. so it’s working as intended.

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Nah, she’s got you pegged. It’s pretty much your M O.

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nothing you are complaining about actually matters at all cause its A game blizz did do something about it when they Created the game that wayall I hear is crybaby who has no nuance of things that actually matter (like life fo example) You are twisted by what other people do with fake things in a fake world and for that you are sad and quite irritating.

To do classic end game content. To enjoy the game before people like you chopped it to pieces and we ended up with retail. What made wow great was how many ways you could do things. That was slowly eroded with things like forcing deep tree talent points before you could leave it, putting twinks in their own BG because someone decided BGs should reward XP, ect.

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Oh my god, how rich. Accusing me of all people of requesting changes that led to retail. Good one. LoL.

I love classic. It’s the reason I want this community stop boosting and actually play the game.


They are actually playing the game. Just the content they want and the way they want. Leveling isnt “actually playing the game”. The game starts at 60.

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You realize the people who played in '04-'06 are NOTHING like the manchildren who play today right? It’s a disconnect between the gaming community of back then and today. Half the people playing today are just loot goblins who want a means to an end and dont even consider anything in between. The journey of leveling and the journey of making friends or being reliant on others is no longer a part of wow. They washed it down and made it a joke. This is why people wanted 1.1 and not phases with 1.12 everything in the mix.


I really dislike you.


I think the only thing Blizzard could do about this is make it so if there is a level 60 in your group, you don’t get experience in an instance. It wouldn’t eliminate boosting from 1-50, but it would prevent 51+ since if you wanted to boost, you would need to be a level 59 Mage instead of 60, but boosting at 59 would mean you would level to 60 eventually if you killed mobs that granted you experience. I think that is the only thing Blizzard can do without messing up the intended experience, but even with that change, it wouldn’t prevent boosting, people would just boost from 8-50 and then grind dungeons as a normal party from 50-60. It wouldn’t help the world since their goal is to reach 60 to either PvP or have another character to raid-log.

You are trying to complain your way to getting people to like leveling.

I dunno, maybe complain more on the forums and players will suddenly want to do garbage content. Let’s see how that works out.

Btw, they arent removing boosting. Almost 1 year later and the only change to it is a 30 instance cap.


Okay Mister, “The game starts at 60”, you have a nice day.

It’s funny how people will bash so much on retail leveling/questing, and say how dumb things like buying a level 110 or 120 boost with actual money is on retail. But then create this boosting meta on classic that significantly impacts the player experience in a very negative way for most people, but since it’s just gold it’s okay apparently.


What about the Fury warriors with no other source of gold besides Stocks carries? I do stocks/Deadmines Carries. Often for free, or discounts. I spent 2+ hours doing free DM carries last night, which is why now… Since my mage Just hit lvl 60 (literaly 2 hours ago), I can’t complete my $(^&$ Water quest that requires Diremaul. THANKS!

Lvling from 1-60 has a negative impact on my experience. I hated it in Vanilla. I hate it in classic. I play to raid, and do dungeons, and farm, and make gold… Not quest. Everyone plays differently. Everyone has different expectation, just because YOU don’t like it, doesn’t mean people like me have to suffer.

gotta level your first toon and get big enough to even buy boosting. retail you just pay $20. if you cant understand the diff then idk.

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