Do something about boosting

I’m testing this theory. I was hoping to find it on Pagle, yet it’s not being spammed, as I hoped it would be. Way more Normal Groups than Boost Groups.

Thanks for the warning. Remind me never to get to level 60.

Different playstyles for different players. That is very true. And it is probably true that “the vast majority of raiders” like raiding.

But that is not “the vast majority” of players. I think less than half the playerbase does any raiding at all.

According to a Blizzard dev in a public interview in 2016, less than half the playerbase raids, or does pvp, or does Mythics, etc. WoW consists of a playerbase doing different things. Less than half the playerbase does any one of those things.

Yes yes yes
I tried retail a while ago, saw that i could pay to max level and knew right away this game wasn’t for me. I played Classic thinking that I had returned to a real RPG that values leveling and understands that leveling is the core of RPG’s. Now boosting has infected Classic.

That wasnt for classic, as classic didnt exist in 2016. They were referring to retail which has MUCCCH more endgame content (and leveling content). The OVERWHELMING majority of players on classic want ENDGAME content:raiding, pvp, farming, crafting. A small minority play to level as an experience over and over. Removing boosting isnt going to cause players to suddenly like leveling. Games die without endgame content, leveling has never been enough on it’s own to keep players. Its 1 year into the expansion, leveling was naturally going to die off. The rampant boosting groups is a pulse of how players feel about leveling: let’s get to the good stuff as fast as possible.

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OK boomer.

mages advertising in lfg for boosting are simply looking for a group, that they can provide a service of speedily gaining experience for, and in exchange for their knowledge and effort, are compensated with large amounts of gold. what is wrong about that?

I’m still testing theory. So far, Normal Groups are doing just fine.

What does this mean? Some (not all) find PvP “playing the game”, but I don’t and loathe and despise PvP. I’m not big into Raiding either. All I do is level. According to some (not all) people I may not be “playing the game”. Heck, a lot of people (not all) don’t accept RP as “playing the game”. So, what does “playing the game” even mean?

Are you controlling for level? What I’ve noticed on Pagle is that I see plenty of regular groups for endgame dungeons (BRD and up), but for lower level content it’s majority boosting.

What’s wrong about it, is players like trying to pigeon hold other players into wanting what they want in a game, i.e. remove boosting. Somehow, they enjoy leveling, so should we. I’m glad blizzard is ignoring these people.


Granted, I tested Pagle Alliance, and there’s plenty Normal Groups, for all dungeons. Mostly the beginning dungeons like Deadmines and endgame dungeons. I do see normal group ads for SM, too. Sometimes BFD.

Alliance seems to run VC, Stocks, SM. Everything from ZF up is more common. Horde, from what I’ve seen, runs pretty much everything (except Ulda. Nobody runs Ulda).

With that said, on Bloodsail Alliance I’ve seen people running RFK, and I haven’t seen much boosting spam. I think I’ve seen someone advertise for paid boosting once in the week or so I’ve been on the server.

I think both Pagle and BB have the same amount of Boosting Services, but Pagle has more active Normal Dungeon Grouos than BB.

One if the funniest comments on here are people saying “why would anyone want to rush to 60 to do face roll raids”. Are you trying to say that any dungeon < 60 is HARDER than raiding? Reality check, those dungeons are MINDLESSLY easy compared to raids. This whole thread is pure nonsense.

It was quite a shock to come back from a break and seeing these types of groups inundating LFG chat. Prior to this spellcleave was all the rage. Reminds me of old school Guild Wars where these types of groups were very common place.