Do something about boosting

What tickles me is that dungeon finder would be far less problematic than boosting. Not saying that boosting would vanish if DF was added, but it would vastly reduce the number of people buying them. As it is now, both LFG and trade are spammed nonstop with people buying and selling boost, to the point where it feels like there’s far more boosting than actual traditional dungeon running.

I fully understand that boosting is not against the rules, nor is it something that should be banned from game, but it’s killing the spirit of low level play.


I can never find groups for anything because I only see boosts on the LFG channel.
It is harder even to to elite quests because fewer people are questing thanx to boosting. So I only play an alt for as long as he can solo the content.
People defending boosting saying leveling is a pain are actually ruining the classic experience for those who want to play it.


Not really. The issue is there is not as many players with their main character in the 20-50 levels because they don’t know what they are doing. You will never have that aspect back.

In Vanilla there wasn’t a rampant case of people have alts at all levels constantly playing. Those were their main characters. So with everyone’s main character being at level cap now there will be less people in the low level world.

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Who is this “we”? Ah, yes, the vocal minority.

I have news for you. Classic came out it August last year. It’s June now. All the tourists are long gone. Everyone you see getting boosted has a 60 main and is invested in the game. Many will go to play TBC, true. So what? It’s at least 2 years away.

If you don’t like boosting, go play Solitaire.
Where in the ToS does it say only people who played Vanilla can play Classic? Nowhere. Classic is available for everyone to play. People who played vanilla are a MINORITY of the Classic playerbase. I don’t care how a bunch of noobs played in 2007. I want to play the game in the optimal way possible. You have no right to stop me. Your $15 isn’t more important than my $15.

Times have changed. You’ll never be young again. You’ll never play WoW for the first time again. You cannot force unwilling people to help you relive your fantasy of the “spirit” of Vanilla.


Did you even read my post or perhaps you’re responding to the wrong person?

I never advocated for any changes. I simply said the classic community is full of hypocrites and OP should not expect any changes he’s hoping for.

There is no “one right way to play WoW”. Blizzard said publicly in 2016 that “less than half the playerbase” does almost anything in WoW: PvP, raiding, Mythic, BGs etc.

For SOME players “the whole game is max-level play”. That’s all they are interested in doing. They are uninterested in leveling. They will use boosts, hack, exploits, anything they can do legally (and a few players will even cheat) to get to level 60 as fast and easy as possible.

I’m not like that, but I say “let them” unless they are hurting other players in some way.

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I mean it’s kinda true I can’t even do group quests now hardly anyone is questing in STV all you see in gen chat is any heart drops whos droping the heart I NEED MA BUFFF

oh noes you have to play the game how awfule, next you’ll be saying why sould I raid to get gear that’s just more work. If only we had some kind of box we could open weekly and get free items from

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What does this retail stuff have anything to do with what I commented on? I quit when things started to go that way.

Either way mr.mocky. Can you tell me how playing the game on an alt and playing the game farming gold on your main is different and not playing the game?

said by a warrior who probaly got his guild buddy to boost em

if you like just standing around so much getting boosted why would you even raid? you’d have to do work and im guessing that’s something you dont like

Ah, yes the troll that ignores comments of how I quit before you were handed things for free.

Sorry, Mr. Mockey I don’t boost. I have two 60 and I do each raid every lockout to get my gear (and in retail when I did play I was nolife and raided on 10 toons… wow!). What about the craftable BiS gear I’m sure you’ll comment on next. I farm those mats out myself instead of buying it because I’m a stingy player. I am literally the opposite of what you are mocking me for. Good Job.

ok lv. 90 im sure you have two well gear 60 you toatly didnt’ get boosted but do go on

Yeah I’m sure I have the toons Mr. Mockey

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Agree with most of this post but not sure if the casuals or hardcore crowd had more of an influence on the destruction of retail. Either way I wish actiblizz would have put up a barrier so retail babies couldn’t join classic, at least making it a separate sub would’ve helped.

So, you’d rather have someone else level your toon for you? Isn’t that using a third party service to “play” the game?

Boosting is a result of the classic leveling experience, which requires far too much XP to get to 60 than it really should. When TBC reduced the XP required to level, gold to get mounts, and levels required to get them, along with fine tuning dungeon levels and gear, it made the whole experience more enjoyable. Now, you could choose to do certain areas, skip over certain things, and dungeons has a less absurd level range with better gear and way better xp. It encouraged playing the game more, because now you didnt have to do the exact same thing over again.

I currently have my level 60 priest, but a Rogue I am working on at 45, and a Hunter nearly at 32, and it feels like the Hunter is doing exactly what the rogue is doing…because he is. There is no variation in the path that I am taking because there is no choice to do so. I feel once we have the reduced level requirements of TBC, it will be a much more enjoyable experience.

I think the best stopgap for the time being is to introduce a LFG to help facilitate groups.


you obviously havent played many MMORPGs. you can get to 60 casually in a few months. thats a relatively short amount of time compared to alot of other games.

the majority of content in wow classic is questing, and interacting with the vast open world. boosting kills off all that content, encouraging people NOT to play the game. its bad game design from a developer point of view to allow boosting.

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Absolutely not. Is paying for someone to craft an item for you using a third party service? That is ridiculous. The booster does not at any point control the boostee character. The boostee has to leave the dungeon at every reset and most of the time loot the mobs. While the boosting process is trivial, it requires limited player presence. The boostee does indeed play the game.

Totally agree with you my man. Getting a legit group together is tough. People are lazy and boosting is easier.

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