Do reports lead to Silences or Bans

Many salty ppl posting at CS suggests it does :rofl:

Eventually, yes.

You shouldn’t make such assumptions. I’ve always been a good player to others. Pvp has always come with playful trash talk, there are those that take it too far. But I was never one of them. Pleb or noob is completely harmless but ever since blizzard turned to woke nonsense with a “social contract” reporting has become a weapon for snowflakes.

Nah I feel pretty safe in my assumptions.


X to doubt. Very much.


I would be willing to give the benefit of a doubt… only because in s1 I had to over turn a silence from salty teammates reporting me. In a vacuum it looked bad as a lot of it was

" kill x"
" mage suck kill him"
" priest can’t heal rush cds"

They were admittedly negative posts but pretty vital strat calling in low solo queue. The auto gm however only sees the one line of reported text not the rest.

A silence is what would be expected from calling someone a “pleb” if they previously had no actions.

Not a full acct perm ban


Missed this part then?

Well, that was dumb.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Streamers were never the brightest of bulbs,

There are plenty of ways to be abusive annoying and downright harass someone without using words. You probably did one of these l.

Fish gets caught by it’s mouth.

I can assure you I haven’t, but my word against yours is going to mean little.

On the other hand, you have no clue. This is the textbook definition of blind faith in the system, on your part.

that one youre responding to is literally telling a story about mass ‘false reports’…while he is one of a small group here who DENIES that sort of thing happens and they will all call it ‘conspiracy theory’ if someone like myself says it DOES happen lolol

His post certainly screen shot worthy.

I have GOT to save this quote for future reference after you and others telling me sooooooo many times in here that mass false reporting isnt a thing lolol

been a good couple weeks in here uncovering reality, if you ask me. lol

I’m not here to argue. So sure. You’re the definition of nice and all of the above never happened. :slight_smile:

Lol imagine whole accounts being shut down by a single infraction .

I’ll take “things that didn’t happen for 200 bucks”

Certainly not.

What never happened? This doesn’t work if you don’t even have a frame of reference for what I did.

Which you can’t have, since as I said, I was not given a reason for why I was repeatedly banned.


10 char

That’s not avoiding argument, that’s avoiding discussion. I asked a pretty simple question and explained my confusion. If you didn’t want to discuss it at all, why bother commenting in the first place?

I am sorry you feel that way.

May I offer you an apology?