Do reports lead to Silences or Bans

Prob a silly post; will prob get some flack for it; NBD.

I am simply curious, I’ve played since 2006, I got on Classic Era and ran a ZG; I told the PUG I was running to get my footing again to lead in SOD in P4 - It dawned on me that the Era community might not exactly love that I was running with them just for that. And in my head I remember the StaySafe video testing reports leading to bans and silences.

Essentially what I’m wondering here; is can I get banned for multiple days; just for saying something that someone or a group doesn’t like; even if it doesn’t break TOS if it gets reported enough? I just still remember my friends getting caught in AV ban waves. I’ve seen SOD folks get banned for just farming argent dawn rep and competing with groups. I just want to keep myself away from a ban. At this point; im considering just not using the chat feature lol.

if anyone has any experience with this please lmk!




I know for a fact that silences are automated simply based off volume of reports.
There are several videos proofing this.

But bans? I don’t believe so.


I’m sure you’ll be fine. Also from the way you tell the story it doesn’t sound like anyone gave any indication that they were bothered by what you said. Have you just gotten yourself worked up about this? Because if so, relax.

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yes; I do actually believe this stems from paranoia : (

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No. The worst that can happen without a human finding a violation is you getting a squelch (temp silence until review, put in place around cata to combat gold seller spam).

If nothing is found when your case is reviewed, nothing happens.

As far as how penalties work for confirmed social infractions, a 1st time offence is a week long silence (shorter duration silences were found to be ineffective), then it’s a suspension, and subsequent suspensions increase in length.

You might be confusing a silence with a squelch. A silence is manually applied by a GM when a violation is found, a squelch is automated, and was put in place to deal with gold sellers and their spam. It only lasts until your case gets reviewed, at which point it’s either removed, or upgraded to an actual account penalty (such as a silence or suspension).

If you’re referring to what happened to a certain streamer, He got squelched, then after investigation it was upgraded to a suspension for abuse of the reporting system by encouraging all those false reports.


Nah, don’t worry about it.

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Why are you avoiding saying his name? Is he lord Voldemort?

But Asmongolds (two seeperare instances) are not the only videos showcasing it. It was a big topic back in i believe WoD or perhaps early legion when they introduced the new system. Squelcing predates it and the issue didnt exist beforehand.


95% of the time, when people show a video claiming they got banned for getting ‘mass reported’ for doing nothing wrong, it was just a delayed account action for an instance where they did break the rules.

This is one of the factors in a manual review system, quite often, silences or suspensions are delayed from the conduct they are meant to penalize, and (unfortunatly) a few weeks to a month of delay isn’t uncommon.


i really appreciate everyone clarifying - seriously. i just wanted to ask fellow players if they’d had similar thoughts/ experiences.

My understanding is that you get suspended (spanked) for breaking ToS with language, being rude, spamming, stuff like that.

You get banned, which is very different from a suspension (and not considered a spank) for trying to rig the game, hack, harass (has to be serious), stuff like that.

Bans are harder to get and more rare. Suspensions, not so much.



I have never seen a single verifiable instance of player reporting automatically causing a ban for something that doesnt break ToS.


No. You can get chat squelched if enough people report your chat, but not a ban.


But but but, I saw a post on Reddit and it said that a guy got banned for saying “Hey guys, good game” in a BG and they completely baselessly reported him and an AI GM spawned and deleted his account and that was the whole entire story!


one time a bunch of draenei mass reported me after i said hello and then KABOOM account deleted.


It do be like that, tho


so you admit it! I knew it!


that would be a squelch.

a squelch is not a silence.

alternative facts aren’t facts.

saw it on the internet.
must be real.


Go read the CS forums sometimes.

You’ll see it working in action lol They go there to complain XD