Do reports lead to Silences or Bans

Nah you can definitely get actioned off a single report. Otherwise you could just whisper people harassment continuously and get away with it. Might depend on the kind of report and where the specific chat line that gets reported took place (whisper vs public channel, etc).

Not often enough for the safety, and health of the community.

From what I’ve seen it does happen but it’s decreased noticeably in the last year or so, thankfully.

Is he funny?

What’s funny for me is I had the opposite experience

They use a different name every time, I know who you are talking about

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had a longer than 4 word conversation in retail (outside RP events)

I’m sorry it’s been the opposite. Then again maybe it was my content choice. I was leveling and doing some Zul Farrak farming at most with a mage.

I ran with some guys from Mexico (I’m bilingual) and we did all kinds of stuff. The amount of impromptu activity and conversation in 2019 was insane.

It was like everyone came back who left long ago. I even had my at work friend make a dwarf hunter who had not played since early Wrath.

I like retail, but it’s a lonely experience. It has great moments like New Years, etc. Horde and Alliance yelling curses at each other during the Legion broken shore intro.

I get my interactions out of discord now. And the forums

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Yes. If you aren’t a meanie like me when shuffle came out then you won’t have a problem. I did get silenced for 7 days btw. Cant make your own lfg groups you can apply to them though.

In maybe a very rare case, or bypassing an ignore, or making a threat (All of which you would open a ticket after right click reporting) sure. Or if you use a certain flagged keyword, it’s possible, but I haven’t seen any evidence to show that single reports are usually effective. A lot of people do get away with a lot in whispers, as long as they don’t do it too many times in a couple weeks to a month.

As silly as this may sound, that’s a smart move. I avoid in game chat, too many people today get themselves worked up over nothing, including the mods that will review the reports.

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I misunderstood.

In game is much dicier for me. I’ve been banned on OW multiple times now for… seemingly no reason, since two of said bans were while I was chat restricted. Like I was getting hit with double jeopardy or something (the original chat restriction was warranted)

Never been banned in WoW, but I cannot imagine they use real people for it, either. So much of it is automated.

And I am not trying to downplay any experiences or preferences others had.

I just remember being a small dwarf hunter and dealing with an hour of self congratulations and retail ripping in gen chat to the point where I knew if I said anything it wouldn’t be worth it.

Everyone was so focused on patting themselves on the back for playing the “correct” version of WoW I didn’t feel the desire to say anything.

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They do.

I can’t refute you, but people insist they do in OW, too, despite people having gone through the effort of proving it’s automated, down to the number of reports until action regardless of wrongdoing.

My skepticism is based on another team’s game, though, so who knows.

That’s fair. I experienced that too.

I had these kind of arguments online when I used to play both tactical versus arcade shooters.

Or arcade flight sims versus ultra realistic like DCS

I appreciate most games. Except maybe battle royale. That wasn’t fun at all.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

wow this caught some attention! Ty so much; I read the whole thing; had a bunch of laughs - and I have my answers. : )all contributors to this thread get gold stars and A+

I can confirm they do indeed ban. I lost my 12 year account June 6th 2024. Apparently “pleb” is an extremely offensive term in pvp and it got my account shut down.

holy crap. Seriously?
That sounds more like the clown who banned your account was on some tirade more than actually actioning you with any legitimacy.
Been a thing on this forum as well, where one day one thing isnt bothered with, and the next the exact same thing will get you vacated for a bit, lol.

I dont chat in game. I dont break the rules. I go out of my way to NOT get my account actioned. I do things the hard way instead of risking some of the addons.
If they EVER action my account, Im not even fighting it, just over the principle of it. I’ll fire up my ESO accounts and go play that instead and put WoW in the rear view.

Technically the c word is an attempt to bypass language filter, which can be actionable. Sooooo, yea…just pointing that out.

Somehow I doubt that was your first time if they shut it down entirely.

In fact, to get your account straight up turned off over communication infractions rather than just silenced, you must have been saying some truly heinous stuff repeatedly and ignoring many warnings to stop.