Do reports lead to Silences or Bans

Pretty fun to dip in every now and again to read the latest batch of “I didn’t do anything >:(” posts.

Bonus points if there’s a blue “here’s you telling little Timmy to blankety blank”


Or the people who claim they got mass reported, and then one of the blues says something like “actually it was 4 different events, each of which only got 1-3 reports”.



# Skynet Termination Protocol
def report_user(user_name):
    print(f"User {user_name} has been reported by over 90% of players.")
    if user_name == "Elaranella":

def terminate_user(user_name):
    print(f"Skynet has terminated user: {user_name}.")

# Reporting Elaranella

# Confirmation message
print("Skynet confirms: User Elaranella has been terminated.")

/wipes hands together


Why is Skynet written in Python?



Certainly nothing to do with ChatGPT writing that for me!

/whistles while running full speed away


You ever watched terminator? That’s basically what they see on top of whatever they’re looking at.

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its gus. hes see all.

But Python wasn’t a thing in 1984 (when terminator came out), the big language at the time was C (C++ wasn’t going to come out until '85, and Python wouldn’t arrive until '91).

This is closer to what it would have been:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void report_user (char* user_name) {
char check_name[] = "Elaranella";
	if (strcmp(user_name, check_name) == 0){

void terminate_user(char* user_name) {
	printf("Skynet has terminated user: %s\n", user_name);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	printf("Skynet confirms: User Elaranella has been terminated.");
	return 0;
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From what I understand, you can get that auto silence until a human being looks at it.
Based on what i see and have reported in game myself, I doubt you will need to worry about it a lot, some of the degenerates say some pretty vile crap in chat and dont seem to disappear, lol…so likely you’d be fine.

As far as you being reported, REGARDLESS of the denial jokes you see in this forum, we’ve seen a lot of threads over the years in here about it…and Ive had cases like some fool in game screaming at me and reporting me because he didnt like that my health bar wasnt going down enough for his liking in a 5 man run lmao.

I was tanking, mitigating and we had a demi god of a healer and this moron literally reports me because he felt I wasnt taking enough damage LMAO.

So yeah…expect the children in game to BEHAVE like children.

I doubt you’ll be banned, but its not worth the risk with these petulant clowns

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Unfortunately, “flag abuse” as YOU define it, is completely different than how Blizzard defines it. It’s also off-topic as it has nothing to do with in-game chat. Try, real hard, to stay on topic.

Flag abuse, as Blizzard (the only ones who matter on the topic) is defined as a single player alt-hopping to report a post. Not as, a at least 4+ different people reporting a post that they believe violates the rules.

True. If you cannot abide by simple rules that have not really changed since the game launched, you shouldn’t chat in-game. Thankfully, in-game (as with on the forums) it takes a GM or forum mod in order for any account action to take place.

In-game, only an automated squelch can happen and on the forums the post only gets buried. Any other actions are the result of a GM/Mod finding that rules were broken.

But it’s the only thing that they have to sell!


Again, you simply do not understand how the game works, nor the reporting system.

You can’t mass-flag in-game. It doesn’t work that way. You don’t care that it doesn’t because then your conspiracy falls apart. It only takes a hand-full of reports from unique accounts to squelch someone.

Reporting in-game from more than one of your own characters or accounts does nothing. Only the first report is logged by the system.

It has been covered so many times in CS, that it’s silly when players continue to try and push this false narrative.

I’m sure you’ll reply again with more nonsense so that’ll be my last response to you.


yeah, Ive dealt with someone railing at me, threatening to report, but so far ive never been actioned for anything. But then, i follow the rules in game, so Im sure thats why. lol.

I wouldnt worry too much about it.
But as you can see the OBSESSIVE behavior the second I hit this thread, yeah there ARE some trolling, stalking sorts in this game who DO obsess and might try to cause you some problems in game.
Best bet is not to give them ANYTHING that can be used against you.
So if they are doing something, dont react with anything that violates the rules.
Best bet is to use the ignore liberally. Thats the worst thing you can do to an attention seeking troll. In game that means they shouldnt ever be grouped withyou again in random queue content, which is fantastic.

Yes, welcome to 2024 where everyone is offended by everything and all that you say can and will be used against you in every form from the people with the absolute thinnest of skins.


That never happens

yes, i got a 3 day ban for a character name. unless you’re going full david duke mode, whether it breaks TOS is GM discretion i think.

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Lol…I actualy deleted a character I gave a funny name to when someone laughed in a whisper about it.
I think it wasnt likely gonna break any rules given the names Ive seen in this forum, but I decided it wasnt worth the risk anyway, lol

I did this during 2019 classic launch. But usually after a long dungeon group and we’re all OOM chatting

I’d say, “I like this pace to retail.” Tell them I play both. Most were like ewww retail. No one got super upset. Turn into a Back in my day…

Saying hi to someone in retail is more likely to elicit backlash. Classic people are much more chatty and friendly. Retail. Oof. Straight up scary

How dare you say anything in my mythic plus!. Well that isn’t…TY GG

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Volume of reports definitely does it, if you ever said anything negative (Even if not directed at another player) they will go ahead and approve it. But if you never meet their threshold required for investigation nothing happens no matter what you said. It is why players get a ‘behavior warning’ at a threshold of reports, and then another threshold after that needs to be met before anything is investigated.

All of the streamer vids I know of were from pre-df, which how they do things completely changed in DF.

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There’s an Azralon player that has been spamming the newcommer chat with a macro of expletives about ones mother for the last month or so. Multiple people report them everytime. Guy is still there dong it to this day.


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omg they’re going to kill me! :sweat_smile: