Do premades think they are better players?

He is a great player, pumps like no other IMHO.

does he do epics or what

its usually 50/50 if im highest or not in the first teamfight, warlocks/boomkins/mages do not have to worry about stacking as much a warrior, they have much more consistent damage and arent locked in a 10 yard range, im usually top by the end because of the way i play too, i tend to trade my life if i even get the chance to kill squishy backline (thats why my deathcount is usually high compared to everybody else)

throw strategy and all good reason out the window just for a chance to kill a enemy healer.

i am the true assassin of epic bgs, not rogues or ferals.

teamfights are so fast these days that it really comes down to who can get there first and not get CC’d, one HoJ and you miss the fight.

Wait do you play deathwish

Khazix is an absolute madlad and I rly wish I recorded a WG i had with him pocket Aug’ing him where he and I went on to like 2v12 some horde was utterly hilarious and im surprised we pulled it off realisitc numbers im psure was 2v7 with maybe 1 or 2 extra bodies being from the first 7 we killed but still no support other than ourselves

But in the same note I will say he dies more than i think anyone else cuz yeah he does play deathwish for he HAS a deathwish

Y’all really out here idealizing a player who is actively mean. It’s weird to see


You got it.


Who? pk?

Pk’s been super nice to me


I mean, I am happy to hear that.

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What did pk do

Spill the beans woman

You didn’t reply directly to me, so I didn’t see this. I don’t know, I will say this and won’t say anymore. I can’t take anyone seriously who calls themselves a “predator”.


A lot of players with public personas have big mouths. I’ve talked with/played with most of that gang and they’re actually pretty harmless on a personal level.


You’re probably right. But I’ve seen a lot of those “big” players make complete fools of themselves and behave poorly on the forums in the wake of a community falling out, and it really changes the way you see them as people.

Especially since most people aren’t involved and watching from the outside like :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


In my observations the bad players are the ONLY people who rely on others to win.

Players who group up in a “premade” are usually better players than the average solo kid missing half his gear.

if I have a choice between some undergeared rando on my team OR a “premade” group of friends who take the game a little more seriously… I will always choose to play with my geared friends.

IF this ruins the game for YOU because YOU don’t want to put in effort that’s on YOU

Curiously I haven’t seen them around here in a while. I think the flag wars got everyone involved silenced, LOL.

I understand your comment though.

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[Do premades think they are better players?]

Just stronger together. As apes.

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I mean you were right to say the “average” cause i’ve rolled 3 premaders at a time back when i could heal.

Now i am limited to 2 maybe depending on the classes

i die alot but not without trading out a couple more, if you have a positive KD ratio as melee your probably still playing right.