Do premades think they are better players?

I have seen Ranks 1s pugging it up and I have seen them running with premades. Point is, there is a massive talent pool out there on both sides. Individually I have run into pugs that stomped a mudhole in my Tiara and walked it dry and premades as well. Any premade player who thinks they are better because of running with a premade will get a harsh reality check when they decide to pug it. The only thing premades have on pugs is coordination, and I have seen pugs organize themselves through chat and make a real fight out of it, all it takes is for people to listen.


Alright, predator. You do you, I guess.


Sweet dreams. Enjoy the bed they made for you.


She is offended because of the analogy I have made in a different post, talking about natural instincts (flight or fight) wherein the prey will always run, make excuses, slander the predator in desperation to win or fight to the death. Which apparently they chose the former. That’s it. Just another snowflake.


Sir/Madam, this is World of Warcraft not the hunger games

Don’t be the guy who gives a predator/prey pep talk in the parking lot over the pinewood derby results


You asked why, I’m just answering your question.

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Last night I queued into an AV on my Paladin and it happened to be a premade in my favor. The group rode to the Field of Strife and sat in a rogue shroud as the horde quickly rode into us on their way to go PvE up North. Of course we wiped them, half of them didn’t even dismount. Then we choked them out at Tower Point until the towers burned and then we marched South like Grant through Atlanta and had them pinned in their Graveyard until the GY flipped. Boss came next then GG.

All of the coordination was done in raid chat, I am sure there were some people in discord but Raid Chat/Warnings were used. The difference between the two groups was one was there to PvP and work together to win and the other was there to run North and try to get it over as fast as possible.

If I had the choice (and I do) to pick a group that wants to be there to actually play the game vs 40 individuals trying to knock out an easy 1st victory for conquest so they can get back to complaining about arena imbalance, guess which option that I am choosing?


Fair enough lol, I like pk, I think he’s funny


One of my favorites :slight_smile:


Which premade community are you with?

Do y’all do war games?


generally no, though recently we challenged SPM, they declined.

Why not?

Wasn’t that during the few days before the new season began when S3 wPvP gear was already available? And it was 20+ ilevels higher than S2 conquest gear?

Or did you guys want to do war games after the season officially began?


the gear handed out like candy on halloween? the gear everyone had?

i don’t really think the when matters, the outcome is already known by both sides, hence SPM declining.

I’ll just drop this off and leave


thanks, i forgot about this, SPM threw us a challenge, we declined, they threw a tantrum and said all sorts of stuff, so we challenged them back, and they declined.

overall though, every time we run into SPM in epics, they lose, badly. a wargame would be no different. so these challenges and declines on both sides are silly.

Clearly not everyone.

You guys suddenly became interested in war games when you’re 20+ ilevels higher.

Oh, it matters.

If the when doesn’t matter, then do war games now. Or is it a problem that everyone is now in S3 honor gear?


No decline, mizriz wanted to do a wargame on mondays. Instead of Saturday when most SPM wasn’t on for the new gear and with only 1 day timespan to gather players.

Per your leader though you can’t do wargames on monday because

Strange that we see you guys still on mondays.


nope, had nothing to do with gear, we expected them to be in the same gear as us, not use it an excuse to decline.

Yo check it out more epic syncers playing footsie with wargame challenges

Kinda adorable tbh