Do premades think they are better players?

being in a discord or group chat all together fighting against a crew of disorganized people who dont communicate…i get it. wins are wins.

at the same time though, i wonder how much this takes away from the regular player. being able to function well in the pvp setup and knowing all your skills and abilities. premades take this away from you because you rely on a group to win. just my two cents.


Azeroth forbid friends get together to play a game together.


Normal 5 man groups? Yes, absolutely agree these kinds of premades are fine and no one should complain about.

Synced premades? Nah. Eat sand.


Many of them do (embarassingly) think they are gods amongst men persian gods amongst men.

When of course in reality what they are doing in the game can be equivilated to a grown 6,4 man racing a middle school child.

And then feeling accomplished when he inevitably wins when there was never any competition there in any ones mind to begin with.


How about those 4v1s tho? You would know all about that particular scenario :rofl::rofl:

But yeah, individually most premader players are fairly average in a 1v1 scenario… it’s the numbers game/swarming that they do that creates the perception

Of course there are exceptions, some of the premader types are genuine/legit big pumpers (Sparkshootz, Gvz, Oca, etc)

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I’ll offer the same suggestion I made the last time you posted a premade complaint thread:

Play the Blitz brawl.


I can’t speak as to whether everyone in a premade group thinks they are better players, but my personal experience is that being in a premade makes you far less susceptible to having your time wasted by a group that insists on a brainless strategy. If I could count on “regular players” not to begin the BG screaming “EVERYONE ZERG BOSS,” then I’d probably queue solo more often.

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Ofc, they communicate and coordinate vs full pug groups. Less whines and tears.

I’m a mediocre player at best i play with them because i refuse to listen to constant trolls and complaining. In pugs people do whatever they want…they run amok…they talk trash and just talk garbage sometimes. Then when the first node is lost bam mass exodus. The game is not over if you do not win the first node…if it was the game would stop and you’d click exit. I prefer to simply play with people who are goal oriented. People who have some code of conduct and respect each other and don’t quit when it gets rough. Do i care if i don’t win…not really. I enjoy the camaraderie and try my best. I understand the whole being upset about premade as a solo …i just choose a path for the sake of my sanity.


Premades communicate in discord to complain about rogues. Nothing more.

0 strategy, 0 working together, no small talk. Just what we would do to rogues if we were in control.

Not sure why every solo Qer thinks other things happen


it’s funny how much of this statement is true lol

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Speaking only for myself, no. I’m a mediocre clicker. But I make up for it with witty banter and self-deprecating humor.


This is the first eight hours before I queue with a group.


If that were true then premades would have about a 50% win rate versus PUGs.
There has to be some better level of coordination or communication over your average PUG.

Note that I said coordination too, not just communication.
It’s like back when I was in a raiding guild. We could do a raid with zero talk about strategy, because we already all knew what our jobs were because it had been learned over repeat runs with the same people over time.
It’s really misleading to say that premade groups just magically do a better job without explaining why they do a better job. They are better organized. They can invite exactly the people and specs that they want and everyone will do the same strat.

You make a premade to be more organized.


That is actually funny.

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Nope, all wrong. You invite like-minded, anti-rogue friends and chat about it with them


Generally speaking, and of course not everyone a lot of players would much prefer to win easy versus having to work for it if it’s possible anyway.

They want to be able to say “you suck” to anyone they can, even if the context would render their statements to be semi-meaningless because “you lost bro” or whatever.

Now there are lot of folks that crave the challenge and wouldn’t really even feel like uneven circumstances would be something needed or enjoyed.

There are a lot of different perspectives here which probably makes the game a bit better :slight_smile:

the average non-premade team has bots, ungeared people and leavers after the first team fight. this alone gives premades enough advantage

if you put 8 people vs 10
the 10 will usually win

Yes they do. Specially the ones who dont end the fame and just keep gy camping. They tbag and emote spam you while you are trying to get your team of randoms to fight back

Also, played my dk alt and the fact that you can pull down people from their half of the map gy is just stupid.


I BBQ the corpses. Toasty.

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