Do premades think they are better players?

Do you remember what the definition of insanity is?

Do players in full conquest think they are better players?
Spending all day farming conquest points just to out gear others in random bgs…wins are wins I guess.

At the same time though I wonder…how much this takes away from regular honour geared players? Being able to function well in pvp and knowing your skills/toolkit… Conquest geared players take that away from them with there ilvl advantage. They just rely on a higher ilvl to win.

Just my two cents.

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have to crawl before you walk but also where ate these conquest geared players? id love to see a conquest geared player the first week of a new season.

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My post went a bit over your head, makes sense though being a gnome and all.

honestly i can’t even understand what you’re trying to say. when i see honor spelled with a U my brain short circuits and shuts down.

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is this a pun on your name being gnomelander which is a reference to homelander who is American and Americans cant tolerate anything outside of the U.S?

Seriously though reread my post then ops.

im not sure if its sarcasm or you actually believe that drivel.

google that quote


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“Do premades think they are better players”

Some do, some don’t. Depends on the individual’s level of honesty.

If you solo/pug regularly and know how to play epic BGs you’re as good as any ‘premade’ player. The difference is organization and enough people willing to try to win and follow the right strat.

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I didn’t have a high expectation just some hope when I came back. It’s unlikely I’ll purchase another expansion even if I can pay in tokens, maybe last chance to participate in end game.

Ty dad.

I thought the sarcasm was obvious, I was making a parallel between ops post about premades and other peoples posts about gear advantages. I guess its on me if you were unable to get the joke there I will have to work harder in the future for you.

My actual thoughts on that matter is that premades are fine, gear is fine and players should use every edge they want.


Man I dont get the hate against Charming.

He is against epic premades and talks smack.

Can’t the players that talk smack against him just 1v1 him (and please stream it) so we can all enjoy it.

As far as I’ve observed its always been just internet bullying on bullying like a bunch of Neanderthals’.

I mostly agree with this but small premades of friends isn’t the problem. We have solobgs now which levels the playing field a lot.

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I didn’t mean 5-man premades, in fact we should stop calling those premade to avoid confusion. Even the sync queue people are pretty decent folks in-game, I really meant it when I said I’d like to preserve the community, it’s just a few fools trying to convince us that stacking teams against randos is fair play that annoy me. I know that’s not rain and it’s insulting when they try to convince me that it is.


Last time I was in a premade I couldn’t hear over Joker’s music. If any strategy was involved it must have been hidden in the lyrics

I can’t even comment what I truly want to in this topic because I’ll just get a vacation.

(post deleted by author)


Those (you) guys are better than the 99+% of players, I didn’t think they meant 5-mans that’s silly. I think it’s more if you guys made a team to play against the sync community in an epic BG who would win?

You’d obviously win a regular, depends on the epics but probably you there too but it’d be interesting if you limited it to just people who never sync queued. It’d probably just be Holy Cow and me against a team of 8 mistweavers and 32 boomkin.

Epic premaders are a bunch of 40-50 year olds who for the most part have no idea how to play this game at a high level.

Cant stop addicted to the shindig

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