Do premades think they are better players?

or we just giggle constantly as we line up ele oneshots.

“See that warrior?”
“Not anymore”

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Age-ism is hurtful and hateful.

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Love that a toon with a bald head and a gray beard replied to this.

don’t forget my gray hairy chest, arms, and most importantly…feet.

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I just had to click the link didnt I

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Well, that was my riskiest WoW forum click ever.

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If a person is weird in the forest but no one is there to hear them being weird was the person really weird to begin with?

Was it worth it?

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Cross-Faction queues would stop most of the sync queuers. Anyone who says differently IS a sync queuer. Jumping through that many hoops just to sync queue into an AV isn’t something lots of people will be behind. Will it stop sync queues in the first month? no, but it will probably get rid of most of them in 1 expansion, which is still problem solved

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I’m working on my shaman aoe nuke. Fun fun

I’ve heard stories of premade raids spending an hour trying to get into one game.


If cross-faction queues are fast, that gives premades more tries per hour to get into the same bg.


Wouldn’t that be a great problem. I think the issue then becomes potential win-trading, which might be worse since now your team won’t fight back without some major deficit. I really think they need to have another dimension with windows and ratings which would probably increase time if we limited pops enough to effectively dilute them out. There’s math to figure that out.

Faced a very stacked MW/boomie one a couple of times, they slaughtered us in Ashran but we managed to beat them with a pug in AV despite their dominating damage and healing (we had 1 or 2 on the front page of each).

I’m pretty sure it’s easier to get banned win trading than sync queueing


It’s hard enough to try and get that many groups into a game just by either dropping queues or matching them. Now imagine that the queue pops for all 4 groups and they all accept, just to get put on 2 different teams.

“Everyone drop queue then let’s wait 15 minutes for the debuff” is a hard sell for an epic community.

If they try to do any kind of game-throwing while on opposite teams, then that actually is a bannable offense and they’ll quickly get their temp bans. Even if they try to perservere in the beginning, they’ll eventually fizzle out and just become normal 5 man teams.

They don’t have to make it obvious, especially in epics you always have a certain number of people leeching. At least I hope they’re leeching because they’re really bad otherwise.

They wouldn’t be win trading, it would just so happen that everyone on the “wrong side” of the bg would have wife aggro, their cat would catch on fire, their gold fish would start drowning, or their gaming chair would be off balance.

All perfectly good reasons their APM drops to zero once the bg starts.

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They wouldn’t all go in.

They’d send in one person from each party to see if their raid is badly split.

Even the spies wouldn’t all go in all at once. The first one would go in to see how many empty groups their raid has.

I see people in regular BGs doing things like popping lust under the GY when a decent sized group rezzes. I remember before they changed it someone would frequently pop lust before the gates opened in IoC. I actually did that on accident once, moving around my action bar and clicking not holding.

Either way, they’re all sitting around for 15 minutes waiting for those 4 to get their debuffs off. It get’s to a point, where not only are you rolling the dice to get into the same game, but you’re rolling the dice to get on the same faction. With more groups you’re just further diluting your % chance.

Plus, let’s not forget the algorithm that is currently in place. Groups of people are more likely to be paired against one another. Currently, it works in their favor because they are the only ones who are playing Epics in this fashion. No one is ever looking for a 5 man to play Epics. With the algorithm working, there is a chance that they may never be paired on the same team.

Did they make the deserter debuff account-wide?

I assumed those 4 would swap toons and then the premade raid would immediately requeue and try again.

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