Do premades think they are better players?

premades are the lower end pvp they play unrated and can’t compete

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Do you, as a solo queueing player, think you’re better than someone who is in a group simply because you are not in a group?

People in a premade are enjoying playing an MMO with people of their choosing. That’s what they are thinking about.

To sum it up, you are not playing with others but constantly thinking about how bad of a time you are having and what other people think. Premaders are shootin’ the s with people they enjoy shootin’ the s with while playing games.

Try doing things differently if you’re not happy with how things are going the way you do them now.


Op isn’t entirely wrong, there’s absolutely really weird people in premade communities


that’s not exclusive to premade communities. You think there aren’t weird people out there solo??? Cmon now.

If the activity wasn’t centered around an organized group fighting random people I think it could serve a good purpose but to intentionally place randoms vs organized is just defining the solo queue player as a fodder class.


You/“the solo queue player” is defining the solo queue player as fodder, not the premade. The activity isn’t centered around organizing against a random assembly. The activity is centered around the socializing part. I’m not pretending like there isn’t some advantage to it, but it’s definitely not a huge advantage as every single premade community has lost to PUGs. All it took those PUGs was some coordination on their part.

When you solo queue, you leave everything about your experience up to chance. Even if the other team is full of PUGs, if they outplay your team, you feel the exact same way. Probably claim they were a premade anyway.

Change things with your own choices instead of trying to force others. You are the one having the bad time, yet do zero about it but complain. Has that helped thus far?

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As I have been saying, repeatedly, over and over again, multiple times over multiple posts: Blizzard is the one that has to do something about it. And in fact, they already did by removing the ability to queue as a raid about 17-18 years ago.

Premade groups are doing something that bypasses this. And yes, I know someone is going to come in here and go but we’re not queueing as a raid!. Right, that’s like saying I didn’t kill you, the fall did when I pushed you off the edge of lumbermill.


One of those styles of play is fully supported without countdown queuing or using a program and dropping queues when you’re not placed in the same instance. The presence of the loophole provides some justification but that doesn’t mean you’re right to exploit at the expense of other players.

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I didn’t say a single thing about right, wrong, just, unjust. I posted about and asked questions relating to fun of the experience and things that you yourself can control.

Im sure its obvious but that paladin is me. Forum doing odd forum things during this “live maintenance”.

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You say this as though I should know who you are and keep up with what you post, but I don’t.

There are many things you could change in your decision making and play choices to improve the experience for yourself. The things you post about are not things you yourself have any actual power to change. Decrying premades on the forums is ineffective as you have learned through the 17-18 years you mention.

Limiting actions of everyone else so you can keep doing what you are doing now even though you don’t have a good time doing it is crazy talk.

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I really wish Blizzard had a system to break synced pre-mades. I’m no programmer, but I like to believe that a billion dollar revenue company has more resources than an addon creator.

Couldn’t they randomize synced premades? Example:

  • Four synced groups queue in the battlegroup
  • Each synched group is assigned a random integer
  • End result, the synced group is never paired with the other synced players.

There are far more brilliant minds out there than myself, and I know they can come up with a system. The point is, do they want to?

Hey don’t tell me that, I stopped queueing for epic battlegrounds because they were unfun due to the premades.
But hey now I have Blitz where premades will be very unlikely. I just wish I could, you know, queue up for an epic battleground once in awhile without facing a premade there.


Assuming queue syncing isn’t possible in BG Blitz or that people won’t do it isn’t realistic. DPS or tank can queue with a healer, too. Have you considered that perhaps Blizzard is working against you personally? Greater than zero chance!

edit: looks like Blitz is gone based on other posts. That greater than zero chance just WENT UP!

In some ways they can be fun if they’re not totally lopsided. I’m mostly bothered by how win and loss affects player power if the system can be manipulated, maybe we can do a WoW version of the most dangerous game.

The main problem is that any serious solution would require lengthening queue times for all the other players (who aren’t cheating btw).


xfaction q’s would actually speed q times put sync exploiters on teams randomly

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Cross-faction queues wouldn’t solve the problem though. Premade raids would still try to game the system.

For example, maybe they have one spy in each party zone into the bg to see how their raid is split up. If it’s a bad split for them, everyone drops queue. Then, they requeue and try again.

A system that truly breaks premade raids and places their players in different bgs would ruin queue times for everyone.


premades have so many spies the CIA should be taking notes.


So this is where the rogue propaganda is born :frowning: