Do premades think they are better players?

That is a very very good question raist.

There is a video of a wargame between 4 of them and it was pretty close but naturally torturekilla lost.

The question i always asked (even though i already know the answer) is why don’t they play rated bgs

you would get more of everything they say they want

more rewards
better challenge
coordinated game

you get more of all of that in a rated bg than you ever would in a random


My guess is fear of losing. Respect to the war gamers.

as a person who used to do dozens of bgs a day with a ‘premade,’ yes they legitimately get the weirdest god complex i’ve ever seen. i had to stop associating with them because i started noticing how toxic they were to everyone, saying they were ‘better’ yet they simultaneously were some of the worst pvpers i’ve ever seen.

they were keyboard turning clickers who got a massive ego because we’d roll into a base and 1v5 the poor guy who was left defending it while his team was in mid, to the point they’d even have horde alts to harass those poor dudes after a bg and post it in our discord like they were so cool. super weird.


The PvP communities do organise war games, but obviously those need a time, date, and attendance. Most BGs are not wargames.

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If they can do 40 in a random they can do 20-30 in a regular BG.

There are regular BG communities but the biggest communities mostly play epics.

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I mean they can war game each other in regs rather than taking on random groups since they would have the requisite number of people online at the same time.

Because they want to play epic BGs?

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Are there not enough people in the community to set up war games in epics beyond once a week?

It requires 80 people on at once. That’s a lot of people, and they all have obligations that limit what days and times they can play.

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Prime time seems to have a couple of groups going at the same time, I’ve seen the same group on different days at the same time. Are you really trying to set up activities that don’t involve playing against random groups? If they had a 40 man queue would people use it?

This is the obvious answer, idk why there’s a whole thread about it. I’ve said it before too. The huge egos that premade all day and then come here to post and gatekeep everything by and large are low skill to mediocre players. They have to play in 20-25 man groups to stop uncoordinated pugs, it’s obvious to everyone. They gatekeep people posting alt accounts because they can’t ‘rating shame’ while at the same time refusing to enter rated content themselves for fear of getting exposed to the same shame they want to dish out. Everytime I come on these forums, it’s the same 8-9 premade tryhards embarrassing themselves.

During prime time there are plenty of premade vs premade games. How stacked either side ends up being is up to the matchmaking system, though.

Anyway, this particular line of discussion is mostly just your directionless nitpicking. Unless you have a broader point to communicate I’m not interested in chasing your train of thought.


The broader point is that a premade team against a random team is inherently a problem and that you’re exploiting to attain that state and not really looking at alternatives.

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Because they’re normal BGs and the communities mostly want to play epics.

However I do think that if there were rated epic BGs most of the community players wouldn’t play them. Most of the people in them are just casual PvPers like most of the others in the random BG queues. There’s very little meta chasing and optimisation going on, which is required for rated play.

I played in just about every Alliance epic community out there for about four years solid.

This is an excellent explanation as to why people do it and where some of the egos come from.


Idk if i buy into the logistics narrative as to why wargames don’t happen or happen very rarely.

pretty much all the communities combined easily have 80 people online to play.

Because each one of them has at least like 20 or 30 to sync que with every night.

Add looking for group rated BG’s and epic BG’s. The people who want more of a challange can have it!

They only want a challenge once a week on a Friday afternoon for one game but prefer the rest of the week to be against pugs :rofl: