Do premades think they are better players?

They could play regs when they don’t have enough players to form epics, I am trying to help create structures by supporting the better members. I think I understand why people premade, I’m just too honest to do it. Blizzard needs to come out and say, one way or another. It’s on them, cause and solution.

As an aside, the matches I’ve played in epics since I’ve been back haven’t been bad. A couple of routs, one serious team that beat us bad we beat a couple of days later with a pug. If it was just AV and WG… Ashrans OK but IoC is right out.

But they want to play epic BGs.

They want to play epics.

Honesty is a personality trait and is irrespective of whether or not someone choose to premade.

Epics have always been a problem, guess I just get tired of feeling like fodder in the PvP systems. Felt that way since Legion, WoW’s just free to play at this point even if I’m not bothering with gold making. Too many people invested in advantages to want to change to a more even system, assuming Blizzard would even invest to make such a system. Maybe too far gone to save.

Not all doom and gloom.
Battleground blitz has solved the decade old issue of pugs getting farmed in random bgs by premades. Now they just need to make queues cross faction and buff the guards to remove the sync premades from epics.


I guess they’re just abandoning BGs. Blitz seems more for the streamers and ARPG folks, pretty obvious I’m not fitting in that demographic so I’ll leave like many have before. Epic sync premades queuing into randoms is the system cannibalizing itself, turning it into just another thing I used to do when WoW was fun.

My win percent since I’ve been back has been really high, especially if you take out the WGs that I got pulled into late. Not saying I’m the common factor, just being alliance and a little lucky with teams, but it’s not about gaining advantage it’s losing hope that they’re trying to resolve concerns and maintain their systems.

I didn’t last too long this time, my time back to being away is a series converging on 0.

Try Blitz. It solves a lot of the complaints people had about randoms.

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I’m not mad at the premaders, I’m bothered Blizzard hasn’t done anything and I don’t mean necessarily adjusting the queues to eliminate the loophole just to let us know if this is intentional. I won’t cheat in a multiplayer game because I’d just be cheating other players but if it’s meant to be then maybe it has a chance to be fair.

I’ll give it a shot before I go, I figure I can make up for some deficiencies by wearing my S1 conquest, boots, and hat to take advantage of scaling. I think you and I are alike in one way, even losing badly we’ll get our licks in.