Do premades think they are better players?

Just lost one. I’m the guy who yells at pugs in chat, hoping they listen. Actually I just need about 10 to listen.

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Nice, we need more players like you.

In the one that you lost, did the pugs blame premades, despite not facing one?

delusional lol

It was a wintergrasp offense, long shot.

Ah. Yeah. Getting everyone to fight on the flag at SR is hard.

You seem like someone who would cry wolf in a game. “we lose gg” “let them win” “its a premade just afk”

I fight until the scoreboard shows up.

nope even if it’s a premade I fight it out… you can try to make excuses and attack me, but you have already proven what kind of person you are.

I think you decided what kind of person I am, just like you decided that premades are “exploiting” and “cheating”.

Doesn’t mean it is true.

awww i upset the cheaters there going to spam report me now XD

i didn’t blizzard did :slight_smile:

Even if they didn’t sanction them I believe they fostered communities through their design philosophies. Throwing R1 gladiators in with little Timmy in a highlander style battle, who would want to be Timmy in that scenario? The queue system sometimes feels like a prison lottery where I’m the prize.


SOLORatedBG is just gonna be this sh*t

I will be streaming West Side Story (1961) prior to the wargame

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This a mmo will always be premades the problem is they removed scaling and now its gear v gear pvp. If you go against a premade you cant fight back or carry the pugs you get. Damage way to high. But thats what they wanted. I remember being new in bfa and carrying as hpal in normals. Cant do that anymore.

As soon as shadowlands hit pvp was done for with out scaling it wil always be onesided anyone thats pvpd in any other mmo other than wow can point that out in a sec.

Man who is doing all the reporting LOL

Stop using this “it’s an MMO” excuse to exploit… everyone knows you people barely know each other and just use that excuse for free easy wins.

I play solo lol never been a premade in wow. The problem is that theirs no scaling and you cant fight back against it. Im not the one that listened to streamers and wanted the scaling removed. Everyone cheered for it in shadowlands prepatch, I knew then that pvp would change for the worst and it never recovered.

h ttps://

Pvp with scaling and against a premade lol. But hey ppl wanted the korean gear v gear pvp style. Now there complaining about premades but the root problem is theirs no scaling. And if you get bad pugs its gg. My win rate is negative in bgs now ever since shadowlands prepatch.

There were millions of people playing back then.

There is like a million people playing now.

I just made those numbers up. When you queue BG often, you will start to see the same premade over and over, the war in warcraft just got smaller.

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To answer the thread title: yes, most premade players think they’re better players. To be fair, compared to the average pug player they are, but this epic BG scene produces super-egos. Egos that are far, far too inflated given it’s casual content and every single one of us that groups up with a synced premade of multiple teams is taking this casual content far more seriously than the average player and bringing around a huge inherent advantage of numbers and communication. Be assured that no one outside of the epic BG scene is impressed by what goes on here. In fact it’s an object of mockery.

Now I’ll explain why people make these premades. To put it plainly, the average BG player sucks. They don’t communicate, they don’t respond to communication/direction (or respond with hostility), they are playing their class at 50% effectiveness or worse, and they are totally unaware and/or don’t care about how the BG functions and what needs to be done. Fair enough: it’s just a game and most people aren’t fully engaged. But everyone has that experience of being in a BG that should be winnable but turns out as a disaster because people don’t give a damn. The more that happens, the more those few that do give a damn are inclined to team up with others that care and make organised teams. After all one of the most fun things in an MMO like this is coordinated team play. That’s why people do raiding.

Yes, it’s extremely cheap to bring such a coordinated group against people that aren’t coordinated, but people will want to play with people that are as engaged as they are. Same reason why in M+ you’ll have groups that easily clear +20 and beyond and they’ll rarely play with those that struggle to clear +10 of the same dungeon. Handholding gets exhausting.


Then why don’t you war game instead?