Do premades think they are better players?

but you guys swear up and down you “just play” and don’t do callouts… at least you admit your dishonesty.

I know reading is hard but you can do it :slight_smile:

If 5 players communicate their intention of going to a particular place, and the one enemy player is just doing their own thing, then yes, the 5 players are better, because winning in a team game requires communication.

A communication is most likely saying “Go hangar” and everyone actually goes Hangar.

Or “everyone turtle” and everyone turtles.

VS a pug where its every man for himself and I would argue THAT is the selfish playstyle.

The only time real callouts happen and we take it more seriously is when facing another premade.

You know what would happen in a true Pug vs Pug? The group that stays together and follow’s A leader will win. Every single time.

look at this, tell me that is fun to play with. Pugs who have no clue and no idea how to open a map.

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that’s some real mental gymnastics bud lol

your logic is… everyone but our community is bad therefor I should be able to exploit so I don’t have to play with these stupid noob losers… narcissism… check.

As far as I know, Tal isn’t in any of the communities that I am a member of.

If they are a part of a community, it isn’t one of the big ones.

I didn’t say that. I said Pugs don’t follow direction and don’t read chat. They are selfish.
There’s like 15 communities by now. I’m in 1 of them (and maybe SPM soon <3)

I didn’t say that.

I didn’t say that.

I didn’t say that.

Stop with your name calling.

This was you was it not?

yes. I mean you clearly see it was me.

I think where they were going was…

Pug games aren’t bad because they are pugs. Pug games are bad because Pugs are only in it for themselves. They aren’t there for the team, they want their prize as quickly as possible, or they leave.

well, you are denying you are saying pugs are bad and that’s why you run your exploit groups lol

do you understand what an implication is?

Yes. I do. And I don’t think what Tal was implying is what you took from it.

that is exactly what he was implying. he does not want to play with pugs because they are bad. if he didn’t think they were bad he wouldn’t avoid playing with them by exploiting.

Did you not read this?

False. I play with pugs all the time. I do EBG on 5 different toons and only this hunter is in a community.

I’m not saying Pugs are bad, I’m saying pugs don’t communicate. They can be rank 1, if they are off the road playing Arena, then they’re not listening to directions.

they do though… just no point when going against an exploit group…

How can you even tell you’re going against a community? I just was in 4 EBG and there was no premade anywhere. Just because people are Leading, doesn’t mean they’re a premade. Just because a group is strong and seem coordinated, doesn’t mean they’re a premade.

I think you’re seeing premades because you want to see premades.

Just out of interest, did you lose any of them?