Do premades think they are better players?

Isn’t this what PvP is?

There will always be a losing side.

so, by going around that system to get a larger group in you are by blizzard definition exploiting.

but u found a way around this so you can bring in a raid anyway, yes?

No one is going around that system.

sure but if you exploit and cheat to be the winner you are ruining the game for everyone else… I don’t care about losing as long it’s a fair fight… that’s like saying oh my cheating is ok because someone has to lose and I’m making sure it’s you by cheating but stop crying about me cheating.

you are… why lie?

lol wut? u literlly are going around it by sync q’ing

do u actully believ ur arguments? serious q

he really does lol…

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It isn’t a lie.

The restriction is on the size of a party that may click the queue button.

No groups larger than 5 are able to click the button.

The system also sometimes places multiple groups together, in fact, it was designed to do this, by Blizzard.

couldnt be mor cringe

you are convoluting the words to favor your exploiting… the 5-man system is in place to prevent exactly what you are doing by “queue syncing”

i mean hirva’s community litearlly forms in a raid first then breaks into groups to q sync together

this is hilarious dishonesty sad if they actually convinced themself they are not exploiting

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The 5 man system is in place to prevent full raids from queueing.

It isn’t in place to prevent groups from being put into the same instance.

If it were, then Blizzard would have designed it with a limit of how many groups can be placed into the instance.

Ham. We talk frequently about ham. Sometimes Pokémon.

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they do… by only allowing 5 people to queue together… honestly what is wrong with you?

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But Blizzard designed the system to prefer putting groups in together.

Blizzard designed it that way.

no they didn’t it actually tries not to… it’s actually tried to put groups against each other… if they wanted raids in ebg’s they would allow them to join together.

blizz designed it so u cant bring a raid in. people found a way to do it anyway circumventing the block to bring a group >5 in

thats called exploiting doesn’t matter how ur doing it ur going around the cap if blizz intended u to bring a raid in u culd q as one plain and simple

Doesn’t blizzard take action against exploiters or?

What does that even mean? What are the other faction losing? They have the same amount of players, same level. As far as Blizzard is concerned all BG’s are fair, because it is 40v40. Equal opportunity.

As far as gaming go, there’s nothing wrong with having fun. But I disagree with your definition being an abuser.

k, we’re on a WoW forum, clearly I’m a WoW addict?

The only difference between the 2 groups, is that one communicates and listens. The other probably communicate as well, but they don’t listen.

And honestly, I play a lot of EBG’s and I’m not always queuing with groups, and guess what, I always find the same people in EBG’s. Should I just stop queuing in the evening?

It makes no sense and EBG Communities are not doing anything wrong.