Do premades think they are better players?

Sound like well rounded invidiauls


I play 15hours a day. And for about 10 of those Hours I’m standing around in Val.

Farming some /played


So who’s streaming

this is pathetic stop using “bad players” as a reason to cheat and exploit.

Communicating with your fellow players is neither of those.

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oh joy here we go lol “it’s not exploiting anyone can do it I’m just playing with my friends” just stop dude it’s so pathetic.

r u relly that obtuse to think its just communicating? its what the communication is about :clown_face: which is bypassing the party cap. q for ebgs as a raid and tell me what happens

they get destroyed in fair combat lol they won’t admit it though they think there top tier players

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PVP, the only place where you’re not allowed to group up in an MMO.


nobody is saying that…

ur allowed to group up to 5 blizz is on record saying its for fairness. u can’t bring 80 people to a raid, can you? no there are limits for reasons and the limit for premades groups in ebgs is 5 people. if ur bringing in more whether its just communication or communication + an addon like BG commander ur exploiting plain and simple

shirley u are smart enough to grasp this?

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You know as far as I’m concerned there’s only 4 other players in my group when I queue.

The fact that there’s 200 players in the evening from the same PVP communities that queue at the same time in the same time frame, is just a coincidence, and will lead to them being in the same BG sometimes. Not guaranteed.

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ur cringe

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now your just being disingenuous and trolling…

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You got me.

what a joke haha

Just out of interest…

What exactly do you think this does?

u answer my q first

what happens if u queue for ebg as a raid?

No, you. I’m just having fun in BG’s. Childish or not, what I said is true.

You can’t. The system only allows for groups of up to 5 to click the button.