Do premades think they are better players?

Right. I’m sure it had nothing to do with gear.

Anyways, if the when doesn’t matter, then do war games now.


i already said, spm declined

We didn’t decline we asked that it be held after the seasons honor gear dropped. For some odd reason we got crickets from gwiomi

We will wargame BSG 30v30 in av on a Monday if you’re not gonna decline again

There’s no reason for you to go around lying about SPM



did you or did you not decline the last challenge we issued you?

As I just stated I asked that we have wargames at a date after the honor gear dropped

I told Oca and Gwiomi both that we would wargame 30v30 then

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a decline with stipulations is still a decline.

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Your perception of reality is as askew as ever :slight_smile:


based on our game last night, what makes you think a wargame would go differently?


The only reason you feel the need to ask that question is your premade is a dodging premade now and you have no excuse for it. Accept wargames 30v30 in AV or shut up

It was a good game I was in last night btw. GG

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that queues directly into you on purpose every monday night, and you call my perception of reality askew :roll_eyes:

why is it always 30v30? i would think you would want as many as you can get.

What you mean is you hide behind a queue wall and dodge simple wargames challenges. This is a fact. Your premade dodges wargames.

As you should know if you’ve been paying attention SPM is a smaller community, and 30 SPM is a number we can get together. Also 30v30 in AV is a superior contest due to the lack of lag and less blob warfare


I saw your video, I’d be scared too.


How have you guys not wargamesed yet

I’ve been gone for 3 months

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Everyone but BSG has been doing wargames :slight_smile:


didn’t seem to be an issue for you last night, you had 39.

40v40 on a Monday night, 9PM eastern, and we will accept.

There ya go

Monday night it is

Can someone stream it

(I wanna go on record saying monday night is a strange night)

That was RR mostly. Is there a reason not accept 40v40? SPM can’t get 40 players together

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How many can you get


And like I said 30v30 wargames is a superior contest with no lag and less blob warfare

Inemia why dont u wanna 30v30