Do people with no gear deserve to be shamed?

You decided to play a social game and then think there’s nothing wrong with being a complete burden to your team?

I’d be fine if match making actually worked and made some effort to make a fair game but that routinely doesn’t happen.

Everyone has to start somewhere. And since we are talking about the most casual form of pvp, nobody owes anyone a thing.


I have a reasonable expectation that the people I am being put in a BG with are there to win, not to be a burden, who are only even there because Blizzard won’t make the match making system do it’s job- it’ll also have PUGs fight premades which makes no sense at all- and the only reason undergeared people are even there is because they know relevant upgrades will be given to them regardless of whether they win or lose which then puts people who are geared past that point in an awkward position where they’re probably put in a compromising situation because they are there to win where as these under geared scrubs are there to be a warm body.

You don’t deserve to be shamed for anything in this game. A little talk-to is fine, but the outright name-and-shaming is just petty and obnoxious from the players who perpetuate it.


I have to wonder what such a low-geared player expects to achieve in a Battleground. Is it crap that they can’t at least get baseline PvP gear to compete with? No doubt! But there comes a point where you’re literally just denying the enemy a global cooldown (the one it takes to kill you). I can’t imagine that’s very fun.

I despise your assumption that people who are under geared aren’t there to win and that you are somehow a superior PVP’er because your toon has more gear. It says a lot about you as a player.


Back in the day you could gear up with honor gear via bgs and while not the best gear it would be competent.

You could gear up with an honor set of gear over the weekend if you put the time in. Nowadays the honor gear available at the vendor is garbage. My main Havoc Dh has an ilvl of 100 and I still get stomped by players with +120 ilvl gear. The ilvl for the honor pvp vendor gear is only 68 which is utter garbage.

Why even bother with it when you can get better gear by going out and doing the daily world quests? It’s not the players fault for wanting to play in bgs but not having an adequate way of obtaining said pvp gear that is meaningful in there preferred way to play (pvp).


“I die in two hits but I promise I’m here to contribute even while I essentially make this 9 vs 10!”

Naming and shaming is completely acceptable and if anything Blizzard encourages it since absent the server communities they’ve essentially killed there’s nothing else to hold players accountable.

Bad behavior deserves a scolding.

It baffles me that people are constantly queuing up undergeared for several reasons:

  • The honor gear you would get has an awful ilvl.
  • There is absolutely no way you have fun getting 1 or 2 shot by most of the enemy team while barely dealing any damage. I refuse to believe anyone is this delusional unless they just turn off all visible numbers/combat text and mash buttons.
  • There is no way you contribute anything to the team you’re on when the above point holds true.

Getting a feel for a spec in the prepatch to see if they want to play it in shadowlamds. Others may get tired of playing their main and want something a bit different for a change.

Maybe make a random rated que that has a minimum ilvl requirement. Having gear matter is good, just not at the random battle level.


it depends on the map you get. AB for example, undergeared rogue would shine just as much as top end geared rogue with just ninja capping.


I don’t know how people can get a feel for their class when they’re so undergeared they’d get utterly obliterated in seconds by people with better gear. You’re just a lamb to the slaughter.

The only reason this is even like this is because the horde have such long queue times and any kind of measures to segregate the people queuing for BGs would lead to significantly longer wait times.

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For the folks who don’t think undergeared people belong in your casual pvp matches:

When does it become unacceptable to be geared less than you?

Is there a window every season or is anyone who wasn’t gearing on Day One of the new expansion considered beneath you?

Have you ever rolled a second or third character?

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…an extremely niche maneuver that relies on the enemy team not paying attention.

I’d say people with 60 ilevel gear shouldn’t be getting into BG’s with people who have around 110+.

They should be playing against other people who are in the same situation as them, not me.

Yes, I just got my fourth character to 50. And guess what? I don’t PVP on them!

That’s how people geared up for PvP in previous expansions. They queued up for random bgs (or Ashran).

If someone started playing or returned to WoW right now, I wouldn’t expect them to know that they should be running mythic pluses and raids to gear up for random bgs. It makes little sense.

Imagine someone playing in a future expansion and they’re trying to gear up for raids, but then they’re told they should be running bgs and arenas. It makes no sense.


Your reasonable expectation is actually made up of pure nonsense. The undergeared person is there to win so that they can get some PvP gear and gear up. The whole point of random bgs since the beginning of time.

You know what’s not reasonable? Fully geared people queing for random bgs. The whole point and process is for you to get starting gear from random bgs. Then take that gear into rated bgs and match up against equally geared and eventually evenly skilled people. You even mention match making. Guess what, rated does that. You want good games go do rated.

There should be a max ilvl to que for random bgs. 465 or whatever the new equivalent is. Any higher than that should go do rated bgs.

Because it’s pve and it’s incredibly boring. Like insanely boring. Especially wqs. Naw man let pvpers PvP. People need to stop harping on fellow pvpers and tell blizzard to give us back actual PvP gear.


Not really niche considering it happens/is a strat even in high end rbgs. Typically a rogues job to harass weak nods.

Regardless of that undergeared people still provide CC and interupts. I would take a skilled undergeared player over a maxed out keyboard turner any day of the week.

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The easy way to gear them is to cap conquest bars and get the level 100 gear … that’s why ppl queue BG’s

What about ppl who do it for fun … like me . If I can’t do random BG’s… I would quit . And no I don’t want to make a team and do RBG’s. I wanna queue up whenever I am online and do 2-3 random games.


ITS NOT REALLY GEAR… I don’t get why people keep saying its gear. I’ve done hours of testing with my friends and come to the conclusion IF THEY REMOVE NECK ESSENCES and maybe AZERITE TRAITS it would completely fix this issue people have in PVP. Seriously a experienced IL 65-80 cannot get one shot agaist players IL 130+ if neck essences are unslotted. cough( except paladins)cough If they disable neck essences in PVP ONLY in bg/arena it would be a massive positive change and people can actually test/play what their class will actually be like in SL. At the end of legion we saw in the Prepatch for bfa legendary weapons traits disabled and it was not that bad when it came to pvp in the prepatch.


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Shantarin is the Road Warrior screaming in BG chat about undergeared scrubs while the rest of us are capping nodes.