Do people with no gear deserve to be shamed?

/sigh… I actually don’t care about max ilvl people joining. It was just an example of what the actual expectations should be… Instead of putting it on the undergeared in a random bg.

If you want good games go do rated. That’s litteraly the point. Even geared and even skilled fun fair games. Randoms are random and they are for gearing.

This isnt wod/mop anymore you get better ilvl from wqs over bgs.

If people want to join bgs with 5-10k hp and waste other peoples time then so be it but expect to be called out


Neck essences and azerite traits are seriously 30-50%+ of people DPS depending on what is slotted and new players don’t have time to grind all the neck abilities in time to compete. it will take at least a month for ( new ) player to catch up and by that time the expansion will come out… DISABLE NECK/armor traits ONLY IN PVP = Good time for all and players will have a better more accurate representation of the class they will play in SL.

So we should be scolding the people shaming others?

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Cool let’s get less pvpers to PvP. Sounds like a solid plan to move even more time played metrics to pve allowing them to ignore us even more. Solid plan :+1: top notch stuff.


Those people always are the usual people who complain about every single tiny little thing anyway and quit early on anyway so would hardly make a diffrence i dont like pve as much as the next guy and hardly ever do it i haven’t even seen any of the raids this expansion except the movie by youtube

you said you want them in your bgs i said sure but expect to be called out half the time i dont even do it anyways because someone else does /shrug

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I will absolutely do this. And if people call me out, I will rant on and on about how bad the game is now for any character trying to start doing PVP. How the game used to work just fine in WOD and before when people who wanted to PVP, could actually get gear by doing PVP.

I will not be doing PVE for PVP gear, especially for the remainder of this pre-patch.

Hope to see you out there on one of my brand new horde alts!


Macro that whole thing, it can be the new copypasta.


Go for it and most likely people will report you afk or just afk at base and wait for next q or afk

you seem to be under the impression i like pve and would rather do that then pvp which i dont

Blizzard has made it pretty clear they wont be doing another wod/mop system i would prefer that over anything but its not going to happen. So if people dont like it then you might as well quit because ion is pretty dead set that its never coming back

Just as a example the pve trinkets on beta are VERY VERY overtuned and they just buffed it last week

Ya I don’t mind … I like Randoms , warts and all.

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I am not sure if your main is the DH you are posting on. But you are undergeared yourself . Pot calling kettle black ?

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Lol hardly man… I’ve seen the ultra geared b and moan as much as the next guy. They also rage quit as much as the next guy. I actually see the max geared pvers rage quicker than anyone. They can’t handle a loss because they’re to used to getting their free epics from untimed m+.

Congrats on working towards making PvP worse then?

Same… It’s been like this since classic. I don’t know why people are suprised that randoms are random. Mind boggling. I just wish blizzard didn’t suck and let their pve overlord rule over areas that he has zero fn clue.

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/shrug i dont make the game i am not the 1 who makes pvp worse thats on blizz i just adapt

Eh you’re helping blizzard continue down that path though. You’re actively making PvP worse whether you believe it or not. Making it more toxic as well as higher pve metrics.


For the first half of bfa i made so many posts on forums as well as watching youtubers talk about pvp vendors and leaving comments trying to get people to upvote posts about bringing vendors back you make me out to seem this toxic person but i have just learned to accept reality.

You keep making me out to seem like this guy who loves pve more then pvp when its the complete opposite as 99% of what i do is bgs nothing else

i dont like pve but like i said in my earlier comment its time to accept reality

proof is in shadowlands pvp vendor that gives lfr ilvl gear is laughable many feedback on that including myself

pve trinkets people have been begging for nerfs including myself in threads on that forum and they buff it

i could go on.


i also just want to point out look at this thread from ages ago and look how that turned out

There’s nothing about reality that says you have to call people out or report afk people. Nothing about making you out man, that’s pure toxicity.

I actually never said that. I said you’re pushing people to pve, which is just helping blizzard make PvP worse.

Yup it’s dumb. Doesn’t mean you should just give up or be toxic fellow pvpers. I’ll beat a dead horse with jugga about gear every day.

Or go do rated man. There’s better options available to you than being toxic.


/shrug i said my peace like i said if people want to do what the DK said all power to them just expect the outcome

Yes, and beaten.


Please don’t project your pettiness onto the rest of us.

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