Do people not like r Druids?

I would sell a body part for an interrupt.

it depends on the group.

if my group is short on interrupts, I’m holding out for a shaman. if my group has plenty of interrupts, I’m not all that picky.

blizz hurt all non-shaman healers by removing your interrupts, it was a stupid move on their part.

I suppose the trade off is dealing with that stupid rock elemental they’re all popping on CD now. I won’t miss that legendary.

Agreed, it’s what I miss most from my shaman. Agree with the person above, every healer should have one (or none but that’s worse imo). Interrupts are just too valuable to only give a single healer.


I’d say the problem was (beyond the kick) giving class X too much utility and then buffing them or giving them high performance, I mean for example: “If the druid was meta it wasn’t because of their utility, it was because of their performance and that is what lacks utility” in the case of the shaman it was also like that but the other way around, however now they made him, along with the Hpriest, have too much utility and on top of that a great performance making the other healers who received almost nothing stay up to the flat

That’s easy, you just have to anticipate the right moment like all the players. However you mention certain enemies or 1-2 the detail is that this only serves a few, while the totem’s stun is aoe (to several or almost all) and that is more useful than a stun to an enemy.

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As we’ve said, that’s the nature of resto druid. That’s how the spec is built, and there’s very little we can do as players to fix it. And again, overhealing is ONLY a problem if you’re OOM or people are dying.


I think it is probably a bad idea to make a classes healing be their utility since that just sidelines them the very second that much healing is no longer needed.

My brain isn’t big enough to figure out how to make everyone equally useful without being overpowered though.


That is very complicated, unfortunately blizzard gave almost all the utilities to the shaman and secondly to the priest, something that could have been distributed equally to all the healers but well… the only way to avoid such a large imbalance would be that. … well these last two either lose almost all their usefulness or they always give them a medium or low performance (even if it sounds bad, it is the reason why it is now very dominated) to be honest they still give us the “Mark Of the wild” is not a big deal, because it is very nerfed (if it gave vers it would be much better than critical)

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I also put earlier that they are doing essentially 0 dmg and going oom because of them doing this…

But well, removing the side of healers I hope that blizzard manages to address this issue for classes in general, because it would not be at all nice that in DragonFlight the same healers or other dps also tanks with tremendous utility receive a great performance buff. The thing is that obviously we sacrifice something for something (be it performance for utility or vice versa) not that you dominate with performance and utility that would be very unfair u.u

This isn’t a problem. Doing 3k DPS as a healer isn’t going to change much with how a dungeon is run. Now, if a HPally isn’t doing 6k DPS while healing, then you’d have an argument. Granted, certain boss phases (Ingra Maloch on his burn phase) and some pack pulls don’t require that much healing if any at all, and the extra DPS is nice, but NOT required to time the dungeon.

I’m regenerating 2,000 mana every 5 seconds. DPS abilities won’t drain my mana. In fact, by the time I’ve sent one Sunfire, Moonfire, and two Wraths to the target, I’ve already regenerated that mana. Also, I could spam 20 Wraths or 6 Starfires and still gain mana. Unless the healer is spamming Sunfires, there’s no reason they’ll OOM, so you’re wrong.

Overall I would agree that cap totem is more useful than druid’s stun, however I disagree that it’s ‘easy’ to use cap totem to cancel a targeted ability. The vast majority of the time you are going to be in the middle of a GCD or spell so you need more than 3 second anticipation.

Fish sticks is a 1.5 second cast so there’s no way you are going to be able to use cap totem to stun it. Fungi stormer is a 1 sec cast and 5 second duration which means that the very best case scenario is stopping it 1/2 way through, but in practice it will be later unless you just aren’t casting anything waiting for the ability to start.

i never make groups myself but noticed its almost always priest or shaman and rarely druid this time around.

on the bright side monk healers seem even more rare :wink:

The more you keep talking the less of an argument you have. You are arguing with players above your skill level and actual druid healers as well. Overheal as a metric for druids is almost completely useless. If they are not going oom it isn’t a problem. It doesn’t mean they are not dpsing. It means they are not letting their hots fall off or players are avoiding fail damage.

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When I’m tanking on my pally, if I have a choice I will always prefer a shammy over a druid. They just don’t seem to have the throughput, and I have to do a lot more self-healing with them.

Note that this is in regular / heroic dungeons.

While I’m mainly referring to M+, this is the kind of response that I was wondering about…if people were just having bad experiences with them or something.

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Lol, I thought it was just me. I can’t get into a single key to push, hell, today couldn’t even get into sub 15s.

There was a thread the other day about which healers tanks didn’t like and I was surprised to see resto druid topping. I thought itd be disc, but I guess there’s something to it.

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Seems like many lower-content druid healers just don’t understand how to play efficiently coupled with players also not understanding how they function.

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With what spell would you cancel that? because we would only have 1/2 for it and two of those are for talent and of those if I’m not mistaken sacrifice heart of the wild and the other is for Feral affinity that you require at least “1 combo point and a certain amount of energy” so it’s not that practical, because you can be running your dps rotation or healing and you get GCD. It is also strange that you mention those enemies, since all the keys I go to PF those are dodged.

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Maim. You just need feral affinity, a talent that virtually every druid doing mid level keys or higher use.

It’s not just for fish sticks and fungi stormer though, It can essentially be used as a 20 second interrupt. Yes, you sacrifice a little bit of dps for it but it’s often worth it and is totally practical. You only need a single combo point and like 30 energy. With several mobs you are overcapping on combo points anyway and we run high enough haste that you get 30 energy in like literally a second or two.

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