Do people not like r Druids?

I’m finding it extremely difficult to get in keys as an r.druid. Even when I’m applying to a key 3, 4, sometimes 5 key levels below my highest timed key I’m getting declined regularly. I’ll apply to a lower level key just to warm up and I won’t get accepted whereas on my r.shaman if I apply to a lower level key I’m getting insta accepted.


I don’t know the answer to that, but for anyone about to respond:
Keep in mind “4-5 below their highest completed” is still roughly +20.


I personally enjoy bringing druid heals. I think people just want to be carried with Resto Shaman DPS. Even though druids are capable of doing dps, many do not.


Shammy does more dmg than Druid for sure, but I don’t think the difference is THAT impactful. I mean, we are talking like 1-2k dps difference. On spires I can see wanting the interrupts though.

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I think it just falls on community perception. Most of my runs are either Shaman or Druid.

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I think it’s just easier to find higher ilvls now farming valor and they will always choose that over anything. Probably has nothing to do with your class. I experience this more lately even as a tank.

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Every time I’ve had a resto Druid in my keys the dungeon always went smoothly. Granted they’d have some mana getting low but we never stopped regardless


My current profile is wrong. I logged out wearing my speed gear. I’m like 278 ilvl. On a side note, with my speed gear in cat form I run faster than mount speed baseline lol.


the problem is the Shammy is very OP so most people want the better healer

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Ah ok. My ilvl is more on par (maybe a little higher) as your speed gear actually. I just notice that the lower mythic dungeons have been slightly tougher to get into lately and that’s what I’ve been assuming.

I agree the community perception is that shammy is OP but I personally think it’s over valued and from only a healing perspective I think druid dusts shammy.


In my 23 SD, I had a druid healer who finished at 10k HPS. Which really let me pull big and sit there. Which meant dps could dps more and not move mobs out of their AoE. A good druid is very smooth, but a bad one is always playing catch up with hots falling off all the time.

I think the pugs typically see the latter.


I love how resto druid just negates grievous lol they have it pretty good this week


I was just thinking this might be part of it. I think it’s easier to do a passable job as a shaman so people might have better luck picking a random shaman over a random Druid.

With shaman your tier makes chain heals regularly come out and you just press your cds and you have a big heal. Druid you don’t really have big CDs. Flourish is your best one and it literally does nothing on its own. Tranq isn’t very good on its own and makes you immobile for several seconds. The need to prep, plan, and anticipate incoming damage as a Druid may cause the average shaman to outperform the average Druid perhaps.


The amount of druids who can’t maintain basic hots on 1 target, the tank, would surprise you. Even in +15s and higher. I’ve even had to tell some druids to use Lifebloom because they didn’t cast it a single time, same with Efflo.

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Meta-chasers. I’ve been declined for BDK with 100 less IO before. Sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

I think R Druid felt fine. I mostly play with a H Priest but I pugged with a Druid recently and it felt fine.

I would say the Druid utility is mostly wasted unless there are curses in that dungeon. You already have tank br on BDK and lock br so the decurse is the only utility you bring… but Resto Shaman brings that too.

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The problem is that there are many things that differentiate a Druid from a Rshammy, the vast majority of which are better or superior to the Druid himself.

For example, we have the issue of performance and utilities, it happens that since the M+ began, Rshammy has been characterized as the healer with high utility and medium/low performance and in the case of the druid it is high/medium performance with limited utility/ short. However in SL this has changed, which from my point of view does not make any sense, in this case the Rshammy has a medium/high performance and a high utility and in the case of the druid it has a limited/low utility and average performance. If you think about it, it doesn’t make much sense for them to do this, since you’re making a healer strong in both areas or who in theory should sacrifice one thing for another or be strong in one and weak in the other, which apparently they haven’t taken into account and as I said in theory if they wanted to make the Rshammy strong they would have sacrificed part of its utility to give it performance and do the opposite for the druid also give it more utility and lower its performance, at least that way it would not feel so much difference or importance in one of these.

Going back to the topic of performance, the druid currently has the best in healing, however as SL has developed in M+ there is almost nothing to heal which obviously does not give the druid points in favor, since now it is it requires healers to do dps and have utility for the team, which Rshammy far outclasses. Among the reasons are: Having a much more important utility kit than a druid, another would be a better dps performance and finally an easier rotation.

Why do I say this? simple between Rshammy rotation to do dps are the following spells: Chain Lightning, Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Elemental Rock and Vesper Totem. Then we have that of the druid that we want or not we depend on the animal form first the spells that we can use in a base/without form: Sunfire and Moonfire, then we have: Cat Form (Rake, Shred, Swipe, Rip, Swipe and Maim) o Boomy Form (Starfire, Starsurge, and Wrath) I don’t mention NF, Kyrian, or Necrolord pact power because you can use it in all forms but only two of these pacts pay off more on animal forms for dps. It should also be noted that the animal forms have a GCD so you lose more time to heal than to do your dps rotation, which the shaman does not lose anything, not to mention that the vast majority are spells that you can easily use since their use it’s instantaneous or doesn’t require much effort (except Chain Lightning since it’s cast) but from there the rest is very passive or good it deals damage while it has a chance to heal and on top of that it’s not affected by the “AoE Cap” that It is subject if you play as a feral healer and unfortunately the boomy spec for healer is not the best because it is slow and does not provide many offensive spells. In a few words, Rshammy has a very easy execution when it comes to doing dps or rather a very easy rotation and on top of that with a very high performance which is somewhat annoying or stupid because it not only affects the druid but also other classes such as paladin o MW who have to do a full rotation to do dps and on top of that limited and weathered by melee aoe.

To finish the last topic that in this case greatly affects both parties (that is, the druid and rshammy) which is the fact that in the SL keys the concept of debuffs is very poorly executed
Why do I say this? simple, in keys like TOP and PF (at least the first one is very complicated) there are disease debuffs that last 1min that greatly affect the tank or is deadly for meles like the tank itself.
And what have we who cleanse curses? well… In SD the only debuff is a silence that lasts only 3-4sec, which doesn’t kill you it just silences you and in the case of HoA there are two that the explosive debuff of trash that is very easy to deal with only remains with use a defensive or immunity and the damage should not kill you or leave you on the verge of death and the second is from the second boss that is only noticeable in Tyrannical week, however there are teams that do it without decurse since it is easy to deal with or At least it is possible to survive by downplaying courses less than disease dispells in this expansion.

You should take a class in formatting and sentence structure. That is incredibly difficult to read.


Only people who hate r druids are terrible people. Terrible horrible people who probably kick puppies.


William Faulkner called.

He wants his run on sentence back.