Do people not like r Druids?

Surely someone who has made their way to 3.3k io is not this ignorant to be oblivious to the fact that your rdruid isn’t a meta spec and your rshaman is. So, let’s just call this thread a humble brag and call it a day.

I invite anyone on first come first serve . I’m here for a fun time not a grueling annoying sad time

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So sorry, it’s been a long time since I touched the Disc priest. In any case we both do overhealing, but at least you already leave a healing intact while ours is something periodic which sometimes works out to benefit or not (it will depend a lot on your team that also includes the disc priest than the druid ) but anyway, the thing is that unfortunately we can’t do anything for our pre-hots whether we want to or they won’t do overhealing and if we throw them after or during the damage we are receiving, we are executing the rotation incorrectly. What I do not justify is the fact that there are people who are putting pre-hots when there is no upcoming damage XD

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Oh for sure. My RDruid runs about 50% overhealing with little-to-no healing outside hots. My priest when I was playing her was generally in the 5-7% range.


I hope that one day the disc priest and MW will have their leading role in M+ (but I also sincerely hope that blizzard does not simplify them and give them absurd buffs, I mean, for my part, I would play them if they represent a challenge, if not, it is a class for rookies XD ) I am more in favor of a class being meta and difficult than a goal and easy u.u

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Very well put. I tried telling them that earlier, but they kept talking about overhealing. Can’t reach everyone.

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That would be cool, I love my DPriest more than anything in the world, but switched to the Druid because it was definitely better for my M+ group. Could I do it as a DPriest? Yes. Did it feel like I was slogging uphill through the snow both ways with my legs broken (especially during Grievous) also yes, so Druid it is. :slight_smile:

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Simply put in pugs Shaman’s bring lust/hero R druids do not. In a number of cases pug populate there group before finding a healer unless the group starts or gets a healer very early on. If the leader picks up several member based on item level and IO they might find themselves wanting a particular class for things like a lust class or someone with a particular covenant.

Of course, if the Disc priest was meta or at least in the middle (and also if it wasn’t as simplified or easy as other meta healers…) I would play him, no matter the week, I like the challenges that’s why I said that I like the meta that have a great rotation more than the easy meta ^^

Yeah Disc playstyle has always been my favorite. Until a short way into S2 I had mained DPriest since Cataclysm. It will always be my baby. :slight_smile:

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That’s how it is spoken, it’s the same as my druid, it has always been my favorite no matter what (meta or not meta in M+ or Raid) I will always play it, I’m glad there is another person who plays his class for fun and doesn’t meta nwn

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I started this season as an r shaman but I get bored of it so damn fast. I find r Druid way more fun both healing and dpsing and I also feel I have decisions I can make in regards to legendaries, soulbinds, covs, and talents. With shaman it’s the exact same everything every week.

Im saying no healer should have more overhealing then healing period. Aka if u did 10 million overhealing but then had 12 million overhealing, you were healing poorly very poorly.
What do you actually end keys with significantly higher overhealing then what you have actually healed? I have played hot healers before and am playing disc.

If a player has more overhealing then healing they were playing badly. Could be doing more dmg in those moments. Sonething that quite a few resto druids seem too forget about.

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i’m not sure, but nobody cares about overhealing lol so i don’t actually check the stat to see where i’m at…

the only time i’d check overhealing is if i was raid leading, and my healers were having a mana issue at a certain point in the encounter. :100:

Honestly, Disc Priest was my first ever healer. Up until Cata I had mained a DPS (ele Shaman) and a friend talked me into healing-but-not-really-healing-cuz-dps and I fell absolutely in love with it. My intention was to respect into Shadow at max level, but one particularly wild run in Grim Batol and he says “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you are a really good healer.” and I said “I don’t want to be saying this but I am really enjoying it.” and the rest is, as they say, history.

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Mass roots is also a talent for resto druids and it costs quite a bit of DPS since it’s on the same row as Heart of the Wild.

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I don’t think the utility difference matters at all for people when deciding between shaman and Druid. Okay, maybe the interrupts in spires but I have to think it’s damage and community perception that is largely responsible for shaman getting way more invites.

Lust is shamans most impactful utility but with hunters being everywhere due to their tuning it’s pretty much a non issue that Druid’s don’t have it.

I’ll also mention that this problem wasn’t nearly as bad before the faction merge…but maybe it’s because alliance groups I was joining didn’t have nearly as many options to be picky about.

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I think you are having issues with math. If 51% of heals is overheals that means they did more over healing than healing. Several of us have looked at logs and pointed out that the average over heal seems to be about 50%. Which means it is entirely plausible to have more over healing than healing while playing correctly.

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But keep this in mind, you have one less kick in theory (I mean the warlock) it has a great damage, yes but to kick an enemy it requires a pet (which doesn’t always carry I think I remember) that’s why it’s better to take a Rshammy for that extra kick and on top of that the fastest in the entire game, in addition to its various utilities that we want or do not work and in the vast majority of keys:
Kick in SoA and other keys.
Tremor totem: First boss MOTS.
Stun totem: In almost all dungeons.
Among others, you literally get more out of it and when players are high, they care more about utility along with performance (which the shaman is the king of in both, along with the hpriest)

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I dunno if shaman utility is that much better than Druid’s if you take into consideration everyone else in the group. The stun is nice but it being on a 3 second delay makes stunning a specific ability extremely difficult. On my Druid it’s a lot easier to stun a fish stick or fungi stormer cast with maim which is on a shorter CD and easier to use than cap totem.

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