Do people not like r Druids?

I have complaints about engi and DK’s battle rez. Engi needs to stand directly on top of the dead person to cast it and that is not always possible with mechanics. DK’s also need to have enough runic power to cast it and then will lose significant DPS because of it. The only BRez that is really reliable is warlock and druid.

Of course, yes, but the detail is that other classes usually wear the “Engi brez” and obviously it is a matter of seeing the right moment but imagine what is better “Wear drums and have a guaranteed brez or wear lust and have engi brez” to be honest I would prefer the second a thousand times because as I said, the engi brez is something that you only have to know when to use it, instead the lust is something essential for a key to be completed without problems. That’s why I mention that in S2 they made several keys without heat showing the ability that players have and that practically one object can make the utility of 3 classes without problems.

You are correct, you have mentioned almost all of the druid’s. ^^

oh sweet lol which ones did I miss?

I think this is just an odd scenario in Season 3. Most groups will have a Hunter for lust and insane DPS. As will most groups will have a Lock for BRez and insane DPS.

If you have a Lock, but no Hunter then you get a Shaman.
If you have a Hunter, but no Lock you can get a RDruid.

I like Druids. Slice 'em thin and fry them in butter. Not too bad. I still prefer Toxic Puddlefish.

I know it’s a crazy scenario, but as I told you “Imagine” or even take an example as I said in S2 where the Druid, dk and Warlock were not meta and they did it without their briars, showing that leaving that item (No chance of fails) caused more problems than solution (at least they solved the BFA drums and buffs but they lacked the latter in engineering). Anyway, I’m happy that the Rshammy and Hpriest are at the top, what I didn’t like is the execution so that they reach the top, which in this case is to give them an almost absurd damage and a very easy rotation (I expected it to be like the druid and paladin or similar) something like in BFA or Legion that we were meta but for performance, however we had to execute several things to do X damage or X healing something that has been simplified too much here (that’s why I don’t have so much respect for them to some people who make fun of using those classes that their rotation is already very short at least to do dps). I hope that if they return to meta other healers like… “Disc priest or MW” they don’t simplify them and give players a challenge so that they differentiate between a “Meta” healer with a Meta (I say this because with my Rshammy and Priest I did like 26-19k respectively on big pulls on keys while my druid just did 20k breaking his neck)

In M+, I don’t take the Incarnation talent, rather Soul of the Forest, mainly because there’s not many high damage instances where I need an OS button other than Convoke. I’ll try to time my 4 set for those specific times if I can. I do use Incarnation for raids, though. Basically, I’ll use Cen Ward, SotF, and Photo for M+, and swap them for Abundance, Incarn, and Flourish for raids, respectfully.

Im talking people that have actually done more overhealing then healing. If your OVERHEALING is higher then your regular healing, that is a provlem. And the class of players that have consistently done this from what i have been with are resto druids.
I have seen upwards of 150% overhealing, while they doo less then 300dps.
That kind of junk, im not talking about 50%, im meaning 100% or more.

How is that even possible? Are they spam healing the tank and ignoring everyone else?

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Ive watched a few and they litterally just sit there spamming heals when people are pretty much full hp.
The main healer i have seen doing this is resto druids in particular.
Even holy and disc priest players dont doo that.
Atleast for disc i dont over heal that much.

Maybe I should adventure out in the world as a not-healer so I can see people do these wild and crazy things. :slight_smile:

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So I just wanted to comment on this area really quick, since most others covered the other issues.

You don’t seem to understand how Resto Druids “prepare” for dmg intake, or how the spec fundamentally works. and you’re not alone, there’s lots of RDruids that are the same way.

I’ll try to be brief lol - An optimal way to play a resto druid is to get all your hots out as fast as possible, and then shift into an animal form to attack enemies (since you don’t have to actively cast to heal).

So in short - the best way to prepare for heavy dmg as a resto druid is to get your hots out first and spot heal by utilizing your mastery to maximize HPS. Resto druid is a proactive healer, and if you play “reactively” like some of the other direct-heal classes - you fall behind on your healing. :100:

Second, Overhealing doesn’t matter as Resto Druid…I’m surprised overhealing is even a topic anymore these days (since it’s different for all healers, and the content you’re healing). It’s only bad when your healers are OOM. There’s a couple reasons a druid will overheal:

One is obviously because of how HOTS work. You have less control over them, so there’s times where they’ll just keep rolling… for example, if a player uses a health pot, healthstone or personal, the hot will remain on the target til the buff wears off.

Second is dependent on player systems. There have been a few items/systems that encourage or use overhealing to your advantage - we had the MOP Legendary cloak effect, and in Shadowlands, if you play a NF druid, you have the dreamweaver option.

Dreamweaver has an extremely potent absorb called “empowered chrysalis” which will leave an absorb shield for part of the over heal amount. That usually makes up for a huge portion of my HPS, and a really good way to mitigate heavy damage before dangerous pulls.

Also on a week like Grievous or Bursting, where there is potent Damage output going out on your group - you want to keep player health around 90% or above before the lethal dmg goes out…meaning you’ll have mulitple hots on your allies, even before the damage actuallly comes out.

As far as new druids running out of mana, I can say from personal experience that it’s because one of the hardest things to master as a druid is to “trust your heals”. Staying in your animal form while hots are rolling gives some people anxiety, and dares inexperienced players to stay in caster form, spamming regrowth.

anyway yeah, bring resto druids to your groups people, we’re great! :nerd_face:


Ok soo u probably didnt read what i was putting.
I play a disc priest half the time i think i know what setting up for dmg is as a ramp spec.
Im saying haveing more overhealing then what you have actually healed.
Aka spamming heals going oom and or doing 0 dmg, which out of all healers from what i have seen resto druids love to not do dmg and just spam heals when nothing will be happening.
Again i play disc of all things which arguably requires more setup and planning

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The problem isn’t your class/spec, I’m rdruid and get insta invited to everything, people are looking at your ilvl/raider io. Those are what get you invited to groups.

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i didn’t misunderstand what you are saying - just pointed out you don’t understand how to play resto druid, or how the class really works…the fact that you brought overhealing into the discussion kinda shows me that. but it’s okay friend, you do you :revolving_hearts:


They don’t seem to understand how Rdruid really works, at least Saithis has taken the trouble to explain and it’s 100% true, I give him credits for addressing everything a druid has to do or mostly how to heal with it.

Think about it guys… do the other healers play with Hots? the answer is no, they may have hots from some spell or mastery or whatever, but is not a proactive healer or does he have to anticipate incoming damage (like a disc priest) in this case how do we anticipate damage? simple, we put hots or pre-hots before the damage comes.

and what happens? Unfortunately, our hots heal and overheal over time, otherwise do you think that we druids would spend time putting in pre-hots?
Of course not, we would be like other healers who just wait for the damage to come in and use X spell and that’s it, but that’s not how the druid is.

Also, like a Disc priest, the druid has it very difficult or complicated when you have a team or go with pugs from the world, where they eat damage (they don’t dodge), take extra damage (they don’t use defensive) or troll (they don’t use kicks in no time).


I would invite you for sure, but I’d probly be wishing you were a holy priest giving me pi the whole time.

The thing is that there are two possible scenarios mate.

The first could be that they are active or reactive healers (Paladin, Hpriest, Rshammy and Monk) or they are new players or dps who decided to play druid (thinking it is easy) but in reality, like any class, it has its difficult side , in the case of the druid it is very similar to that of the priest that even though they differ in that one puts shields and another heals with hots they continue to go hand in hand, since before the damage enters obviously you are going to use those shield spells and hots/pre-hots. Unfortunately, as these players are not used to this rotation or way of healing the druid makes them do more overhealing than healing which is understandable (I say this because with my Hpriest and Rshammy he was using his hots by mere instinct learned by the druid when I I realized that it is easier to cure and faster).

Second, keep in mind the following: You can play Disc priest, but obviously (or so I think) shields don’t do overhealing they only prevent damage, however a druid with their pre-hots doesn’t prevent damage itself, they just prepare for it. incoming damage and while he does that his hots are going to heal (not that we druids can activate and deactivate when we want to heal or not) and unfortunately that will cause us to have overhealing or in the worst case, if we heal in such a way to a single target (Because he is about to die or is taking damage) we will make him go up to 100% HP and the remaining hots continue to heal him by overhealing.

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If it doesn’t get consumed then it goes to overheal. But to what you actually meant, yeah it is extremely difficult to have much overheal as a Disc Priest and insanely easy as an RDruid. Source: Old main: DPriest. New main: RDruid.