Do people not like r Druids?

It can be higher than actually healing. It really depends on fail damage. If the druid is rolling multiple hots on players and they aren’t taking damage, then overheal numbers will be higher. I checked the logs on a few of my runs and around 45-50% overheal seems to be the average.

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Drop Efflo, put down your dots. Roll heart of the forest wild mendint and dump your energy bar on swipes. The better the team, the more you’re overhealing.

Efflo alone is going to run up the scoreboard, nothing you can do about that. Give me a good group that elitism helper isn’t barking at so I can get in 6k and overhealing is absurd any day of the week.

Looking at my logs from a couple of months ago (we stopped bothering to log) I am about right smack at 50% overhealing.

It depends on what is doing the majority of the overhealing. If it’s just HoTs doing the overhealing, there’s not much anyone can do about that. If it’s a direct heal, however, then yes, that overhealing is bad because that will mean you’re going OOM. In the end, overhealing doesn’t matter unless the healer is having mana problems. Even then, the group as a whole taking unnecessary damage is going to be the largest problem.

We have direct heals? I kid, I kid. Well, a little bit.

Flourish is a direct heal right?

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I think that’s why the lower skilled druids run OOM so quickly, to be honest. They’re generally spamming Regrowth and Swiftmend as their main heals, when those are for emergencies only. Honestly, if their group is avoiding damage like they should be, nothing more than Efflorescence, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Lifebloom should be used except in those particular cases where you might need direct healing.

I use Swiftmend on CD because of my covenant power/legendaries, but yeah, spamming regrowth is a nono.

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I mainly only use it on the tank when they’re missing a chunk of health. Other than that, if I have Cenarian Ward and Lifebloom up on the tank, I’ll use it on a DPS that needs it.

I am a Necro and am using Unity+Verdant Infusion so Swiftmend makes my green blobs go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeverywhere.

With the druid tier set, spamming Swiftmend isn’t that bad. In fact, you should probably be spamming it in raid because it gives you Tree of Life with the 4pc. The 2pc also makes Swiftmend a lot less punishing since you have a free hot to consume.

People get a whiff of what is meta and everything else is literally unplayable.

competition is steep man. it doesn’t even have to do anything with the meta necessarily. OP is 3.3k io which is really good. But if a 3.5 healer queues up…

True, but it’s not good to spam it when the tank has only lost 10% of their health. A single HoT will take care of that. That’s what I’m talking about when I say lower skilled resto druids spam their direct heals.

never mind the meta, look at the utility a resto shaman brings to the table compared to a resto druid. Healing is healing at the end of the day and while people have prefered flavors, what matters is what extra you bring to the table.

Resto druid has:
Soothe (hunter and rogue also bring this)
Brez (death knight and warlock bring this)
mass root (Shaman has it through a talent)
vortex (pretty sure just druid has this)
Stampeding Roar

Resto Shaman has:
Bloodlust/Heroism (Mage and Hunter have it)
Brez through a talent (5m cooldown as opposed to 10m and it doesn’t count as a brez so no waiting for charges)
Earth Elemental (tanking the shaman can set and forget)
AoE stun (Can get to as low as 40 second CD with a talent)
Spirit Link Totem (damage reduction and AoE healing in one CD)
Earthen Wall totem (shares a talent row with brez totem)
AoE root (shares a talent row with aoe stun reduction)

Personally when I tank on my dk I would rather have a druid healer, meta be damned; but if I had to go with utility I’d lean more towards the shaman

*I don’t have much experience playing druid, so if someone wants to correct my list of druid utility please do.

It always confuses the heck out of me for a second when I auto-tree buddy. I don’t take the talent since I only do M+ so I am like “wait what? oh yeah 4pc.”

The same reason that in legion resto shamans said the exact same thing in reverse concerning resto druids… You’re not meta anymore, which means you’re subject to community perception.

There is no meta: Anyone playing a meta class.
Meta sucks, everyone hates me: Everyone else.


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We are going to analyze everything you have mentioned.

Vortex: This spell is very good, however it is not compared to a hunter’s trap, which in this case is “Binding Shot” because apart from stunning it can affect the enemy several times, which the Vortex only affects once and that’s it. On top of that, the Binding stuns which you get much more out of it.

Soothe: It’s something that I’m not going to lie to you, it’s good, but if we didn’t have to change form when we use it, there wouldn’t be any complaints, plus the Rogue and Hunter can do the same.

Brez: I don’t think so, because we already have the Blood DK and Warlock, also the brez is not so necessary because we have “Engi Brez” or “Ingenieria” which does the same thing but on the corpse but from there you don’t lose anything, That’s why even in S2 (where warlock, dk and druid were not meta) they made several keys without briar (obviously with engineering) since lust is more important nowadays.

Mass Root: I do not consider this. Why? simple, it is a talent and you as a shaman do not sacrifice your dps for a talent, instead the druid does, because if you are going to carry “Mass Root” you sacrifice the “Heart of the Wild” which is a CD that without this he druids would do 1-2k less dps than we have unlike you.

Now that you’ve mentioned the druid’s utilities, let me mention yours as a Shaman:

Bloodlust/Hero, Stun, Kick (best in game), Purge, Tremor Totem, Elemental Rock (for aggro), Entanglement Totem (I know it’s a talent but you can choose to wear it or not as it doesn’t affect your dps), 10% stamina/Ancestral Vigor (it’s a talent but in high Keys it’s very useful but if you want we don’t consider it), Slow Totem… Continuous or is it already clear?

Tell me more, Captain Condescension, me dum and me think u can teech me more pls.

None of these count, because according to the point you made via hunter having binding shot, once another class has it, it’s no longer a utility spell and mage can cover lust, many classes can stun, many classes can kick, and priests can not only dispel, but mass dispel.