Do people not like r Druids?

Yeah. In above 20 keys people lean on shaman dps harder.

Makes sense. I don’t think that means people don’t like RDruids though, just that the meta is the meta.

I mean, thats 20+ keys. Last season it was holy paladins. This season its holy priest and shaman.

Your average Shaman in a 22 key drops 5k dps. A good one does 7.

You can do 7k dps on a druid but its a hustle.

I am happy HPriests are getting their moment to shine. I always mained disc (well when I mained Priest), but good to see my red headed step-sibling get some love. :wink:

Oof. My holy priest dropped 5k overall in 252 gear. ~_~

They can’t just ignore grievous like resto druid though.

I’m usually around 3.5k on druid, where my shaman can run around doing 7k overall without thinking about it. It is a massive difference on higher keys. (shaman is 3.1k io/druid is 2.8ish I think, for reference on key level).

My shaman and druid are equally geared.

Plus shaman brings lust, and we’re also much better looking.

I’d say 3.5k is average druid damage and 5k is average shaman damage.

Great players can crank it though.

So true, grievous doesn’t exist. S1 and the beginning or S2 I was maining disc priest though. Grievous: Oof. Lol.

The problem is that damage is bursty and so we need to spam out hots to top people up quickly to minimize the chance of them dying. On other healers, you can just spam Healing Surge/Flash Heal. With our 2pc and mastery, throwing out a rejuv gives 5 hots instead of 3 (assuming Spring Blossoms, Necrolord, and the regrowth hot).



I don’t just play healers, and whenever I’m in a group with druids they very very very seldom do more than that.

Totally possible I’m just a bad druid, but I’m also moonkin affinity, maybe I’ll roll around as feral and see if I can match 5k or so.

Necro druid. I think the thing about rest druids is that its all over the place.

Mine does 4-4.5. I saw one do 7 on my rogue.

But if you were like, "Hey we’re bringing a resto druid to a 21 i’d put money on the dps being between 900-3k.

Yeah, go feral, keep moonbeam up on groups of 6 or lower. Use swipe.

I think you’re pretty good honestly if you are dropping 7 on a shaman. Average is five. Obviously depends on the tank… and the trick of really cranking damage is just for the fights to be bigger and shorter.

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:thinking: I’ll take your word for it I guess. Never seen 7k overall from a resto druid though. Must have been the biggest pulls known to mankind.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t like RDruids. I think maybe people prefer priests and shamans, but personally I’d much prefer having that solid brez on my healer honestly.

We have one on our raid team who is amazing and another who was doing up to 19s before even being properly gears - he’s amazing.

So, yeah. Idk. Plus looking at you, you obviously are someone I’d imagine people would want to take? The only thing I can think of is people just want shaman for OP’edness.

My tank (the one I hang with, not play) so same pulls I’d hit 5k on. Just a monster.

I haven’t figured it out yet.

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raises hand Legendaries + Necro ability is chef’s kiss.

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That’s always been the case with resto druids. It’s the nature of HoTs being the majority of abilities. They’re going to roll no matter what. They still have the highest HPS in game, though.

Ya but you dont do it to the point thats all you do.
The probelm is most resto druids dont actually prepare for dmg intake they just sit there spam healing.
Having more overhealing then healing means you are playing your spec horribly wrong in reality.

It should never be higher then your actual healing.

I just think they’re given way too much. If you made druids 2 classes, they’d still be very strong.