DO NOT upgrade your belt to tier set

You’re thinking about it too simply. A player who has been around forever sees the item that converts into a piece with the tool tips for 0/5 set if it’s the right slot, and realizes it leads to a tier set bonus.

A player who has not been around forever likely hears that the purpose of Creation Catalyst is to create tier items as players talk about it in the weeks preceeding its release and assumes that armor goes in, tier comes out. This is a design and information issue. The game is failing to inform players in this regard by being unintuitive.

We have to remember that not every player in the game has been around for a long time and has gained the knowledge of how the game works. You can take a gamer of any genre and stick them into an MMO in the first time, they are like lost puppys

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It informs it, it literally shows the item in the box. How much more do you need to show?!?!?!?!? If a player knows about tier in any fashion, they know that it hasn’t been on a belt since BC. And if they don’t know about tier, why assume the bonus can be on the belt to begin with?! At some point, when do you stop the hand holding?!

Again…not every player in the game has been here forever, and has probably heard the buzz of Creation Catalyst as Tier Creation, and perceived in their mind that this is the ONLY thing that the Catalyst does. It is NOT a player failure that Blizzard didn’t include adequate information in the game to tell a player how this works. My viewpoint is always going to be that you shouldn’t have to go outside the game to learn how something works.

Because Blizzard didn’t inform OP of how this works in the game that they play for FUN, the OP is now instead left feeling bad and a bunch of people mocking thrm for “ineptitude”.

Don’t think of this so simply, it makes you judge others and be unkind. I know it seems like something that’s very simple, but not everyone has the same knowledge or experience as the veteran playerbase.

How in the world did you get “baited” when it literally shows you the item you are going to craft?

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You’re probably right. How sad is that!


Use your brain and mouse over the item

It’s truly astounding how many people have done this. Like, even if you lack the reading comprehension or will to actually read the tooltip, how TF do people not know which slots are tier pieces by now?

I swear you could lead the WoW playerbase to water, and instead of drinking it they’d turn around and poop in it… then drink it and die.

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If all of these threads were being made in the CS/Bug report forums I would buy them but since the majority are being made in GD ,I’m guessing those people have already been here before and know what this place is like and have actually read the blue post on the subject and are using this as their latest troll topic.

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This is why there are stupid labels like don’t drink engine oil in the car manuals or hold this chainsaw from the correct side.

I mean how much more hand holding do people need?

What next? People blaming Blizzard for not telling them to breathe :man_shrugging:

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Clearly is <3

This is the first time they made tier gear that doesn’t give a bonus. Not your fault. It was worded poorly.

Very easy to see how you made the mistake.

They didn’t screw up. The option is there for someone who wants to finish the mog for the whole set.

A lot of people actually predicted this because of how poorly the communication about the system and pieces was written. Combine that with a naming convention directly tied to the real tier pieces and the fact that we just came from domination sockets - and it’s easy to see how people would make this mistake.

No it’s not Tier refers to the entire armor set .
Only Vanilla has had it on all items in the set . Since TBC it has only been on Head, Shoulders , chest , legs and hands .

The Catalyst gives a preview window that players can mouse over to the changed item and see what changes it gets .

Not only that it gives a “Are you sure” pop up with a 6 second timer before you can press accept .

Do you not check your vault gear before you select it to make sure it is right? THis is no different.

I think you’re talking about the transmog set.

The tier set was just the pieces that gave the bonus.

No one says "yay, I got a tier piece! " and is referring to a piece that DOESN’T give the bonus.

Tier as the whole set is what Blizz considers it . Tier as the bonus pieces only is wht players consider it

You are incorrect.

Boots are part of the tier set, they just don’t give the bonus.

The entirety of the set is the “tier set” because… it’s the set… for the current tier.


The 5 pieces with the bonus, yes.

The whole aesthetic is a transmog set.

No again you are confusing tier set with tier bonuses.

Helm/shoulders/chest/wrist/gloves/belt/legs/boots are the tier set.

Helm/shoulders/chest/gloves/pants are the bonuses.

It’s only been this way since tbc sooooooo…

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because it tells you explicitly what it will create lol

this is user error 100%