Do not remove or nerf Glide

They won’t see what they don’t want to see. Best case they’re super passionate RPers who have nothing to gain except being able to quickly float through the air quicker than their favored class that stands to benefit from additional mobility and an interrupt… Worst case they don’t care whatsoever about balance. Let Blizzard do what they’re gonna do and we’ll just see how it winds up for PvP and M+.

Now dracthyr hunter will have disengage with glide combo’d at the end to make it twice as effective. (try it on the PTR) Unless you aren’t drac…

A remotely competent hunter can do that without extra gliding.

How can a hunter add 10 yards to a disengage in the air without glide?

I seriously dont know if Im missing something , you are intentionally ignoring what everyone said or you are just that dense.

There is no outplaying a dracthyr warrior mindlessly wasting charge and heroic leap, you thunderstorm thrm and they just jump glide it to completely avoid it.

They run faster than eveey other race. Again have you tried chasin an evoker around a pillar? Have you been chased by an evoker around a pillsr? Noe imsgine that a warrior rogue hunter like … wake up buddy

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The ground speed buff is not a racial it’s a talent, hover is not a racial either.

Why are you saying things like this? You don’t actually believe it.

Have you considered using your kit to apply a slow to the dracthyr in question?


Was using Every man for himself cheating?

Im talking to a wall. A wall full of delusional people. Get me out of this trash thread

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Answer the question. How do you think Glide interacts with slows?

basically a group of people with no foresight into the effects of the change. And blizzard happy to see half the community pay for a race change.

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Effects, actually.

Oh. So people are just feeding off of imaginary scenarios, turning a pebble into a world ending event.

Fixed, let’s hope blizzard is that quick when it comes balancing glide (after they got their race change money of course)

They balanced it like two years ago when they created Evokers. Well, more like 8 years ago when they created Demon Hunters.

Correct, they balanced evokers around having enhanced movement, which is a class not a race.

Anyway, Glide has been in the game for 8 years and nothing has been broken because of it.

Yes, correct. Because 100% of that class had the ability, so they could balance the class around having enhanced movement…

Cool, now that we have that out of the way…

Do not nerf, change, or remove Glide from Dracthyr.


Yea don’t, honestly instead give it to everybody and say “This is how movement is now in WoW”.