Do not remove or nerf Glide

It’s the coolest thing Dracthyr have. Do whatever you have to do to their other racials, but do not mess with Glide.

No matter how many people complain, do not nerf it. Do not remove it.


I don’t mind if they nerf it, but completely removingit will be incredibly inmersion breaking. Having to now take extra care of your steps when walking near edges to avoid falling to your death, as a race with big@ss wings lol.

My one hope that makes me believe that they atleast wont remove it is because its literally the first thing to use on the starting escenario to follow Emberthal down.


no glide in zones where flying is not allowed for non evokers

would that be ok fine sir?

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I’ve played blizzard games for a long, long time. I’m tired of them nerfing and removing the things that are the most fun about a class because other people complained.

I’m just so tired of getting excited by an announcement only for the final result to have been torn apart by PTR whiners and nerfed before release.

Absolutely not, that would be a gigantic nerf and a total annihilation of race fantasy.

Oops, I walked into a cave, guess I’ll die to falling damage now.


No, absolutely not okay.

Glide is non negotiable.

Also why should the race with wings have special conditions that don’t affect slowfall, levitate or disengage? Hunters can already dodge fall damage if they’re even a teeny tiny bit good.


The arguments against glide make very little sense. You could make something of an argument for the speed boost giving a lot of benefit while running long distances indoors, but like…

Is that really game breaking? Because I really don’t think it is, not in the slightest.

If that was really all it took to make something “broken” then we’d see a meta of nothing but DH Tanks and Evoker DPS/Aug/Heals because the whole group can glide.


Don’t you know, it makes dracs rp walk 120% faster than every other race’s run speed.

The fact anyone would gripe about Dracthyr glide but not the fact Demon Hunters get to do more than JUST glide is beyond me. And before anyone goes saying “That’s a class not a race” yes I get that, but it doesn’t change the fact they get glide with borrowed wings stronger than a race with actual wings while having insane mobility. The only Dracthyr race/class combo that would even compare would be Evoker, and it’s not a comparison.

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DH’s are balanced around the fact that every race of the class has that ability. It is different when only half of the mages have a racial ability. You can’t balance the mage class around it. You have to nerf the ability itself.

IMO, just make it unusable for Non Evoker’s in instanced content (Raids, m+, rated pvp)


Yeah the complaining from DHs was kinda funny. “We’re not special anymore because dragons” for mains of a class that could only really be done by gutting an entire warlock spec.

Besides dracs aren’t stealing their edgy quota, no risk of that one.

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Them sharing a CD would be the best option, You want a knock up or knock back, not both?

So nerf Shadowmeld, got it.

I disagree with your opinion on this matter in extremely strong terms. I would not accept this.

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I wouldn’t mind.

Plus it would allow cleaning up the evo talent tree by rolling the reduction into one talent

If they remove glide or soar it’s a deal breaker for me.

If my DRAGON DOESN’T DO DRAGON THINGS then you lied to me. Just getting to look like a dragon is lame.

The whole tail swipe removal I don’t really care much


It’s pretty funny that someone with a Worgen avatar is pretending, very unconvincingly, that a huge speed boost isn’t good - and it’s not just “long distances”, glide is a significant speed boost even going halfway across a dungeon boss arena or the like.

I think it’s reasonable to ask that glide stays as a constantly-available ability for Dracthyr, but they should nerf the forward speed boost it gives for non-Evokers, either that or have the speed boost kick in over say three seconds, so in a “jumped off a cliff” glide you’d quickly hit the same speed as usual, but spam-jump-gliding wouldn’t make you literally 30%+ faster even when doing it very casually/ineptly.

Also the meta has absolutely been “nothing but DH tanks” for a number of (non-consecutive) M+ seasons. They’re kept in check by being balanced on the assumption they can move faster than other tanks and so don’t have as many ways to live as other tanks do. When they did have as many ways, very recently with the double-sigils, they were, in fact, OP.


Wait. Are they planning on nerfing it?

Realistically they are probably going to have to. It’s a gigantic speed boost - even if used lazily it’s easily 30%+ when moving more than a few steps. That’s on-par with significant class-specific abilities. It’s 78% as an absolute, but you don’t get that when spam-jumping typically.

The kindest nerf I think would be to simply reduce the forward speed it gives to non-Evokers, or make the forward speed slowly come in over say three seconds, so only when they were actually gliding would it help.


Nobody complained about Glide when only Evokers had it.

The issue here is not Glide of Evokers or DHs, because they’re balanced around it. Glide was a class feature, not a race feature.

The issue is giving Glide to classes that are not meant to have it any way. For example, Priests or Warlocks.

Glide gives you a massive mobility boost and it gives you immunity to knockbacks. Some classes don’t need to have their weakness solved by this for the sake of balance.

This game has already a massive issue in the endgame in terms of racial balance (Night elves in M+, for example). The last thing it needs is to add more overpowered racials.


The paradox of RPers caring about flavor of a race but the flavor corresponding with tangible and demonstrable power. Totally not a conflict of interest that we’ve got people who want Paladins as Dracthyr up in arms about people who think glide is broken, priests, and other classes that would have huge weaknesses diminished by switching to the scaly race.