Do not remove or nerf Glide

Priests and Warlocks aren’t a really big issue here because glide is of limited utility to classes which have to hard-cast stuff.

Warriors, Rogues and BM/Surv Hunters though? It’s an insane buff. Ridiculous. The classes just aren’t balanced around it, as you say. The simple answer is for non-Evoker glide to just not add forward speed, or add very little, or add it only over a few seconds.

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Wouldn’t that speed boat only truly affect PvP tho? Like, mythics and raids, it’s just a way to get out of the puddle.

I disagree.

I still disagree.

No offense but that’s blizzarda problem for opening the race up to a ton of other classes and hyping all these abilities for those classes just to slowly take them away or nerf them one by one.
It’s unacceptable that internally it wasn’t thought out well enough that they’d need to revoke major aspects of Dracthyr.

Not to mention the counter point of your argument is that without those abilities there is literally NO reason to switch to Dracthyr.

In a PVE setting none of the abilities they have cause any level of power imbalance in terms of DPS or advantage. No one is inviting evokers to raids or demon hunters because they can glide or soar out of combat.

Again… the entire class of evoker/dh is balanced around the fact they have enhanced movement. But now only Drac’s of Priests/Locks/Hunters/Mages/Rogues/Warriors will enjoy that fact.


If glide doesn’t get a nerf, they need to overhaul every other racial to make them have their own powerful niche.

Some races have more powerful racials than others, it’s true. This has been a thing for quite a while now in fact.


Playing a race because of the aesthetics instead of the power that it has? What a concept! Make everything minor ribbon features that don’t have any combat benefit so we can stop seeing Dwarf and Night Elf at the highest level of play for some content.

Additionally, it has a PvE benefit, multiple even. That’s the whole thing you just said, “No reason to play it.” It bridges the weakness of the classes via movement, momentum stop (congrats if pallies make it to Dracthyr), slow fall, an additional aoe stop (another cool option for rogues!).

Most people won’t care, but if races are going to be busted then at least look at the passives of every other race and bring them up to par. Let’s just go full on power creep.

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I don’t know what you would have to do to other racials to put them on par with glide. I think if they are going to give half the classes movement 2.0, they might as well just give it to everyone.

Don’t forget Stoneform and Fireblood.

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What’s your point dude? Paladins have 10 second immunities and lay on hands, no other class has that. Makes them extremely OP in many circumstances.

Rider of the apocalypse death knights can stay mounted in combat anywhere mounts can be ridden.

If you wanna glide you can roll a Dracthyr class or evoker or dh or you can stop crying about it.

It’s like saying rogues are suddenly OP like they don’t have better movement like sprint on a short cool down or shadow step while in stealth, or warriors with 4 different kinds of charges and leaps but yeah let’s split hairs over a little poofty gliding on air cause you feel left out of the double jump spam while running back through the raid after a wipe.

I swear some people will cry about the stupidest things just for the sake of crying.


Yes, classes have spells… This is an mmo… Good observation…

Yet again I will say it. All DHs/Evoker’s have enhanced movement, so their class is balanced around that fact.

Only Drac’s of these other classes will have enhanced movement so you cannot balanced around the fact they have movement 2.0, because not everyone will re-roll Drac.

This is not a hard concept.


Yea, I’ma roll a dracthyr warrior post patch and I genuinely think it will be stickier than DH in PvP.

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As I’ve said before, it won’t. Glide is negated by any slow above 20%, which all classes get a 50% or higher slow that can be spammed.

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You keep saying the other classes are balanced around them having glide. Care to elaborate? Vengeance DH have glide plus infernal leap like every 10 seconds plus the hunt on a 50 yard range and fel rush… Dps DH are not far behind in mobility with basically unlimited mobility. DH was a dominating spec the last 2 seasons of dragon flight…

Your argument is irrelevant because all other classes have some form of movement speed enhancement. You just like to cry for the sake of crying clearly.

Also, if people choose not to switch sounds like too bad for them? Absolutely no different than how blizzard shakes up the meta every season and people gotta roll new toons for min maxing.

This is not a hard concept. Everyone has the same opportunity to switch or reroll. Choose not to? That’s on you.


No one has expressed plans to nerf glide but there’s been endless whining about it (in fairness DH mains have been crying about glide since literally the minute the racials were showcased)

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Dhs are a class built around being nimble and fast. A class not a race

Evoker should keep all gheir glide and jump. Dracthyr as a race shouldnt its literally cheating.

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Dracs as a race are designed around the fact that they’re draconic and have natural wings.

Also glide is not a double jump at all.

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Ebuddy how hard is it to understand nobody cares about evoker having glidejump. They were designed and balanced around it

Not a wsrrior rogue hunter having glise jump… those would be outright op. Havr you tried chasing a dracthyr evoker on foot? Around a pillar? You have no clue

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Again other races also have powerful racials.

Hunter has disengage, which a remotely competent hunter can use for movement much better than glide - if anything it’s on par with hover fully traited.

Rogue has a huge sprint cd.

It’s not about classes, it’s about people demanding to water down the race.