Do NOT nerf unholy dk

Because this feels like the thread to ask:

Any tips on fighting Warriors? Or is that just a hard counter to DK right now? I don’t feel I can do anything to stop them, even kiting doesn’t really help because they will be able to do half my health in the charge root. I feel like if a warrior goes on me, it’s over, basically.

In a duel or arena scenario?

Either. In a duel it just feels unwinnable. Can’t kite with 2 charges and leap. If in arena, and the warrior is on me, game is basically on a timer to see if I can out DPS the warrior on the kill target before the warrior kills me.

Rule #1 Do not duel on a DK ever. Most classed are unwinnable as a DK. Basically all casters and majority of melees with Rogue being the most prominent example.

In Arena the problem with Warriors and Fury in particular is that they are very hard to kite and depending on rating and comp impossible to peel. Very important against both warrior specs is to not stand together as their cleave is unhealable.

In addition to their very high damage they have a (way too) strong mortal strike with slaughterhouse.


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Sometimes it cannot be helped, like when a Warrior charges me in a BG. I’m pretty much unable to do anything. So I suppose I should just expect Warrior to beat my butt? I wasn’t sure if I was doing something wrong or not. If I know it is a hard counter to DK I feel less bad about it.

These forums are not a good place to get any advice. Literally go anywhere else.

Said the NPC without any game activity. I dare you to even achieve 1400 in rated PvP in any bracket. Then we can talk you scrub. But to be fair calling you a scrub is unfair to all scrubs.
Therefore I hereby suggest that we introduce the term ‘Kelliste’ for people like you.


You just made my point, dont take advice from people on these forums. They are just toxic people with gigantic egos.

I Just got crit in a battleground by full moon for over 300k with 33% vers, I don’t wanna hear any nonsense about DK being op.


I’m not sure but, from the little experience I have, playing with my warrior or with my dk (both between 1600~1800 ratting) - DK needs to use everything he has to face a warrior.

I particularly prefer the Desease (rot) build - there’s this new build now, assembled with: defile, blight, plaguebrinder to make the diseases occur 100% faster, ebon fever to increase the virulent plague even more… As the warrior will be facing you directly, defile ends up being a great option. 8% more mastery from it, virulent plague is shadow damage, mastery increases shadow damage, so… having stacked mastery, both in equipment and in this build, is excellent…

When I go against a warrior I put the defile on the ground, use my blight, deseases the target, fastering + scourge strike will do a lot of damage. That’s not counting the apocalypse and other burst mechanics. To keep the warrior in check, suffocate him, slow him down, run at certain times and use the arena in your favor is a tactic to cut his burst…if you cut 5 seconds of the warrior’s burst, that’s excellent.

Normally I let him use dragonroar (if the warrior has it) and avatar, then I use icebound if i can’t run, or if i can…i run away from him, normally I ask for some CC at this point. if the warrior uses trinket, just use suffocate, blinding sleet, or whatever you have.

The idea is : let warrior burst first and cut a few seconds of this burst…if this is done successfully…just go back and keep the defile, desease, fastering, scourge strike, etc… eventually with high mastery the warrior will melt down…

Ah, of course : this situation are from arenas in 1600~1800 ranks, I don’t know if it changes much above that with more experienced warriors.

aaaaaaaaaaand they are buffing warriors again (both specs)

bruh sound effect #2

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Lol UH isn’t allowed to be powerful for more than 2 weeks before catching a nerf. The least they could do for UH is unnerf the death strike nerf that has been oversight left in since BFA


It’s more surprising we didn’t get nerfed sooner with the way they handle this class.

Arms warrior is the way to go if you like PvP, blizz won’t let them be a non-meta spec.


Oh I snuck in my 1800 in 2s in like 30 games already, I knew it wasn’t far off lol

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I’m having a hard time investing in this game at this point. Tired of my favorite spec being trash most of the time. I’ll grab the mog eventually though, shouldn’t be too difficult even with the nerfs.


Ya. It’ll be pretty easy still, I just noticed I’ve been playing without fallen crusader so I probably won’t even notice the festermight nerf because I buffed myself with a weapon enchant now hahahahaha

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They already nerfed us before these changes went live, now they give us another nerf, blizzard still doesn’t understand where the real problem with the dk is and they only nerfed us because probably someone from the devs got upset losing too many arenas against dks


What nerf did we get before these changes? I haven’t been paying that close of attention