Do NOT nerf unholy dk

the only winging idiot troll is you defending apoc being a 150-200k global and clawing shadows + wound pop doing more than full mastery MM hunter aimed shots on plate

again you

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Stay trash my guy.

Hard to take anything you say seriously when you lie about something demonstrably false. Saw him lose with my own eyes on stream a few days ago, and a quick search on Arena Mate of just one of his toons shows he’s lost multiple times since Tuesday.


Petkick’s the exception to the rule anyways. Guy manages to make the class work even when it’s complete garbage.


Unholy finally does good damage from the DK.!!!
Still dies rather easy.
But i rather be able to land kills than not and not depending on big boy as much sounds too good to pass up playing dk again

Just do a look at his posts. It sounds like anything that stops him from easy win = imbalanced, I just looked back to about April and I did see one or two constructive posts most are just whining about something that caused him a loss

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Unnerf Death Strike… it’s all what we need.


If they do nerf dk, they need to buff survivability for sure. But I think most people would rather have gameplay where dks are killable but do high dmg than be unkillable and can’t kill anything.


true, he only had to buy win trade for rank 1 in season 1. but he is an excellent dk

plz buff dk defensive’s :3


you could quadruple DS healing and it still wouldn’t make us unkillable. the problem is the average player just wants to mongo in pvp and gets punished by any dk who remotely knows how to use DS correctly. dk with non-nerfed armor and selfhealing isn’t unkillable. you just kite and rot. we all know how DS works, and we all know what kind of incoming damage DS won’t work on.

if you have done any pvp with the blues event, you would know most of them are downright terrible at pvp, so they are probably in the camp of wanting to mongo dk and thus think we must be OP because an honor level 6 can’t kill a glad level dk by spamming his best PVE rotation.

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You ok lil man?


The reason is because clawing shadows ignores armor… its all shadow damage. I love when pally uses BoP and i kill people and they are clueless

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no the reason is it’s 30 yards and does the same amount of damage as a full mastery MM aimed shot on plate when it pops wounds

That makes sense… considering plate armor should mitigate some aimed shot damage and it doesnt mitigate any wound or clawing shadows damage….

Aimed shot has a cast time…

Wounds need to be applied before they can be popped and UHF is a CD

Stop feeding the idiot troll homie. Aimed shot hits over 200k from a decent hunter. Before I went on break to play d4 my lock partner got taped by back to back 225k aimed shots.

Any DKs hitting clawing and wounds for that?


DK still doesn’t do the best damage etc not by a country mile. When Boomy’s can throw galaxy’s at me, subs tech me to death in a opener, mages drop a avalanche on my head, monks doing Kano’s fatality on me etc etc. We die extremely fast by lined up burst.


in AV on my dk last night, and in the 3 globals it would take to stack 4 wounds and hit n-bargin, they were dead from boomkin aoe before i got to n-bargin almost every time. its neat to see wounds doing damage if you can get it to work, but we still feel underpowered in AoE and like an out of shape asthmatic kid in trying to keep up with the group movement. our base gcd needs to be lowered to 1 second.


200k crit on the most easily micro’able 2.3s cast in the game, with every modifier, 1min badge, and chakrams

oh wait your apoc crits do that on a 30s cd

the only idiot troll is you defending rework DK to this extent lol, it’s obviously not boomie level but that doesn’t mean it’s damage profile combined with its antimobility isn’t braindead

you sound like the BM hunter apologists when the spec is overtuned to the point that backpeddling chimps can get 2.1 with it

notice how no actual good DKs are arguing me on this because they know every tier list is placing them high S

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I noticed that both of your threads on this subject died in arena forums fast because no one agrees with you. Everyone disagreeing with you here.

You also had to shift the goal post from clawing shadows to apoc after I pointed out that clawing hits nowhere near as hard.

Stay trash.